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November 8th, 2009

[info]hiddenpsalm in [info]light_of_may

They Will Write About Us in the History Books

Who: Myra and Psalm
Where: Around the casa de Lowell
When: Sunday June 21, 2009 afternoon

Because No One Else Has a Love Like Us )

[info]force_of_mind in [info]light_of_may

When In Doubt

Who: Jackson and Parker
Where: Casa de Lowell
When: Late morningish

Logic would dictate that you do not go to your gay big brother for this kind of advice. But if you don't know that your gay big brother is gay, then you're kind of left assuming he's not... so logic pretty much gets tossed out the window. )

[info]dusty_storm in [info]light_of_may

Playing House, Being Nice

Who: Dusty and Gareth
Where: Trailer, where else
When: Morning, around 9am

I guess it's been downgraded to a second notch rooster. )

[info]ex_rapidhush770 in [info]light_of_may

I won't suffer, be broken, get tired, or wasted

Who: Lex and Monica
When: Evening
Where: Random bar in Scarlet Oak

So far Lex was on a roll with the blood orders. The documents he had found in the blood bank gave him a massive array of people to pick from and he knew Domina would be quite pleased with the selection. There wasn't much left for him to round up, mainly a few rarer blood types, like a siren or merfolk or some random were. The one thing he couldn't stand about were blood was that each one was different. A wolf didn't taste the same as a cat, nor did they give the same effects. Lex had worked as a blood hunter long enough to know that there were picky people out there who didn't want werewolf blood. Damn them.

The vampire was also determined to find one to drag back to Ad Gustum. One of the rarer types, that was. He was sure that if someone's blood was special enough it was worth having them as a blood slave to be constantly sucked on. It was just a matter of finding one and he was having no such luck. Growling lowly, Lex entered yet another bar, hoping to track down what he was looking for. It was the second day he had gone without sleep and the migraine was full force now, thus making the music in the bar close to unbearable. Whatever, he had a job to get done and he wasn't resting until it was done. Lex made his way to the counter, sitting down on the very end while examining the interior. At first the bartender asked what he wanted, but after shooting a livid stare at the bartender he soon backed off. Lex wasn't interested in a drink, only blood. Hopefully with time he would find something that would catch his eye.

[info]lionesscoby in [info]light_of_may

A Night at the Moving Pictures

Who: Coby and Dusty
When: Evening
Where: Drive in theater
Warning: Yeaa. NSFW.

Enjoying time by her lonesome. At least for a bit. )

[info]searchfortrees in [info]light_of_may

The Hawk, the Garden, and the Big Hungry Bear

Who: Imogene and Hawk
Where: Hawk's garden, by Redleaf Road
When: Late morning

Imogene had woken up far too early, rousted from sleep by humidity so godawful oppressive that she dreamt she was drowning. Since then, she'd wandered along the river in town, wading a bit where she could. It got hotter than this in Arizona, but at least there she could sweat it off. Eventually she wandered back into the woods, where it was at least superficially cooler, and climbed up a good-sized tree to catch the breeze. It wasn't long, though, before her stomach started to protest. She'd finished off what was left of her forage last night, so it was as good a time as any to restock. Dropping back to the ground, she started searching with her nose in the air.

It took a surprisingly short time before she picked up on a familiar scent and found herself on the edge of a modest, but most definitely tempting garden. After a quick look around, she threw caution to the wind and crouched down to pop a couple cucumbers off their vine.

[info]rhapsodyinred in [info]light_of_may

Everybody's Prey

Who: Kitty and Artus, then Lex and Kitty
Where: The park
When: Late night

Sitting on top of a picnic table, Kitty practiced singing through her solo, thrilled-- but not surprised-- that she'd won the role of the witch in Into The Woods. Though she already knew the songs, it was still a good idea to practice, plus she was hoping it would help her calm down. It had started earlier that day, the agitation and anger that usually came with a fit of rage. She'd managed to get through practice without bashing someone's head in, but wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it off. It wasn't till later that she'd thought of Connie's offer to let her take a stab at him, and figured that if she didn't find someone before tomorrow's practice, maybe she would take him up on it. Even if it didn't work, it could be fun. But if it came sooner rather than later, she'd just have to find someone to work the blood lust out on. It was better than the alternative, at least in her mind.

[info]giddyinthesky in [info]light_of_may

Affable Redneck Theater

Who: Gareth and Gideon
Where: About in the trailer park
When: Mid-afternoonish