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August 30th, 2009

[info]pastorperegrine in [info]light_of_may

Trials dark on every hand

Who: Torshael and Julianna
When: Morning
Where: First Baptist Church

and we cannot understand...but we'll understand it better, by and by. )

[info]_spitfyre in [info]light_of_may

chance encounter

Who: Connor and Bonnie
When: Evening sometime
Where: Some bar

To someone who had spent their life in Detroit, Ann Arbor was kind of like Disneyland.

No, seriously! There was all this shiny stuff, and cute little shopping districts, and if one one of her little exploration trips a group of dwarves had started singing and dancing in the street she probably would have just assumed that was normal. Okay, maybe not so much, but close enough. Since the move, she'd spent so much time in Ann Arbor, taking everything in, that she had somehow managed to utterly ignore the crap out of her new hometown. So tonight she decided to see what Scarlet Oak had to offer, for a change.

A bar had seemed like a good place to start, though she didn't go to Heme. While vampires were kind of fascinating to Bonnie, their groupies? Not so much. A building full of desperate fangbangers just praying for a vampire to look at them was too large a test of Bonnie's patience.

She flashed her fake ID without batting an eye, even though she was still a little over a month away from being twenty, let alone twenty-one. She rarely had trouble with it, which she credited to attitude. Getting away with things was just a matter of acting like you belonged. The bouncer checked her ID, and then looked her over, before opening the door for her. Bonnie flashed a demure smile as she stepped inside. After taking a good look around, she headed for the bar.

[info]force_of_mind in [info]light_of_may

Who: Blake and Jackson
Where: The Lowell Home
When: Late morning, a bit after 11

If you click your heels you get to go home. So, if you don't want to go home, do you click your toes? )

[info]_backfire in [info]light_of_may

Who: Graham and Monica
Where: Lenore Bookstore and Cafe
When: Mid morning-ish

Scarlet Oak had changed quite a bit since Graham was around four years ago. Several stores had either closed or changed ownership, such as a place called John's Pizza used to be Bob's Pizza. And only Graham would start to wonder what ever happened to Bob and if people cared at all. Then there were the franchise places that continually popped up every other block. The oddest placement were two Starbucks mirroring each other down two blocks. Graham even stopped to stare back and forth at the two places, trying to figure out who in corporate was getting paid to make a dumb ass decision like that. Shrugging the thought away, he continued to walk the streets.

Um, you do know it's not raining... right? )

[info]liafae in [info]light_of_may

Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days

Who: Lia and Torque
Where: Camelot Place
What: Every once in a while, it's nice to have a man around.

After meeting Oscar, she was in a good mood. This town was officially growing on her. She was happy there and for that, she was thrilled. Everything seemed to be working out. For that, she was incredibly grateful. It was nice to finally feel at home. When she got back to her apartment building, she managed to find a good spot closer to the door. It was definitely a good day. Glancing up, she saw the clouds were gathering again and she could feel the change in the weather.

Maybe not such a good day after all.

Just as she'd managed to get all her bags on her arms and lock her Jeep just as the heaven above her opened. "Shit." She tried to make her way towards the building, but one of the bags broke and she watched the cans of tomatoes she'd gotten to make her dinner roll towards the street.

[info]playforme in [info]light_of_may

The Night-Life

Who: Dom and Kora
When: 8:30 PM
Where: Around the Budget Lodge

Because the night life, it ain't no good life/But it's my life )

[info]sinful_song in [info]light_of_may

There had to be beauty somewhere, in that horrid little thing.

Who: Adelle and Luke
When: Morning
Where: Cherryblossom Place

Somersaults and Sunshine )

[info]armani_maneater in [info]light_of_may

Out on the town

Who: Cara and Colin
When: Early evening
Where: Their place and the movies

A date between friends is just hanging out )

[info]mr_intensity in [info]light_of_may

New town = new friends

Who: Ezekiel and Bunny
When: Sunday June 14th, late morning
Where: Streets of Scarlet Oaks

Going? We don't know where. )