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August 31st, 2009

[info]armani_maneater in [info]light_of_may

Being Neighborly

Who: Cara and Keith
When: 7 AM
Where: Camelot Place

Heigh-Ho, Neighbor! )

[info]remywolfe in [info]light_of_may

Come on in, sweetie-pie! Have an apple, have some lye...

Who: Remy & Ren
When: Noon-ish.
Where: Sunny's Diner

Ren had gone upstairs to grab his worn jean jacket... )

[info]offtherunway in [info]light_of_may

Making an Entrance

Who: Kikuya and Ty
Where: Cavern Club in Ann Arbor
When: Night time

Adelle, or Aderu-san, didn't seem to be responding to the knock on the door. Then again, Kikuya went to a variety of condos by hers and tried knocking. The only one that responded was a random older lady, who seemed just as disgusted as Kikuya was. It seemed that the Japanese model was on her own for clubbing. Sighing roughly, she stormed back to her condo and proceeded prepare herself for the night.

We're gonna fight for it, but I know who will win )

[info]hunterperegrine in [info]light_of_may

Brotherly Meet-up

Who: Tayne and Torshael
Where: Sushi place
When: Lunchtime

Lunch with Torshael. For the first time since he'd been bitten. Tayne was, to say it plainly, a little bit nervous. He didn't have on the ring their granddad had given them-- silver wasn't a good thing for a were, newly bitten or not, to be wearing-- but he did have the charm from Justin on his wrist again. He couldn't risk jumping a a sound he ought not to have even heard, or getting distracted by a scent no human could pick up. But he did like seeing his brother, even if he still wished he could be him sometimes, and Granddad had said to keep in touch with each other, so... here he was.

Tayne had shown up first and was sitting at the table for two, menus sitting out in front of him and the empty seat across from him. His foot tapped restlessly on the floor as he waited, eyes on the door and the parking lot beyond it, rather than on his menu. He always ordered the same thing here, anyway.

Try the sushi, it'll be good for you. )

[info]nurseboi in [info]light_of_may

Who: Vivienne and Justin
Where: The Park
When: Afternoon!

Justin was feeling... well, great. He could talk again, that was cool, but now he could talk without so bad a stutter. That... was brilliant. He'd called and left a message for Alex, wherever she was, then hung up. He'd purposefully kept it short, he wanted his lack of a stutter to be a surprise.

Then he'd sent a text to Tayne. He was still missing Alex, after all, and he really wanted to spend time with somebody. And Tayne, being Justin' only definable friend, was that somebody.

Till then, though, he'd decided to take his dogs to the park. They would listen to his audible commands, so he could control them, and they were eager to socialize as well. He took them, dressed in a pair of jeans and a jacket he could get muddy without problem, then let them all go as they came to the park. They parked and tore off, but soon returned and jumped on him eagerly, wanting to play. Justin laughed and caught Otto, the biggest, but lost his footing and went down, immediately pounced upon and licked by all three.

"N-no! Stop it!" he waved his hands and tried to shoo them away with little success. "B-bad d-d-dogs! Ah!"

[info]halthegrey in [info]light_of_may

Her Name Was Sylvia...

Who: Hal and Fiona
Where: Hal's house
When: Morning

Hal knew he needed to tell Fiona about Wally. Even though he couldn't find a way to make himself reciprocate her confession of love, she was his girlfriend and he was in love with her. Which meant she needed to know he had a full grown son he'd not known about. And that he was a vampire.

Yes, he was still processing that himself. But he couldn't very well keep it to himself forever. Heaving out a long breath, he carried a tray into the bedroom. Yes, he very well knew she could come down for breakfast, but he'd also told her he was going fuss over her. She'd been warned.

It wasn't much, just some bangers and mash and eggs. Coffee (he'd gone out and bought proper coffee for her even) and some tea for him. The smell of the food was turning his stomach, but he could drink the tea while she ate. Bastard tetanus shot.

"Morning, love," he greeted, carefully setting the tray across her lap. Now he thought he should have put a shot of whiskey in her coffee. And his tea. Or just brought the bloody bottle. "Save your protest and tuck in before it gets cold."

This was going to be a lovely conversation.

[info]rockin_waitress in [info]light_of_may

So I don't hate you really

Who: Emma Jane and Chris
When: Sunday June 14th, late afternoon
Where: Nevermore bookstore

I've got some troubles but they won't last )

[info]madock in [info]light_of_may

Something's messing with my head

Who: Jessalyn and Madock
When: Early morning
Where: The streets

It was early when Madock could no longer stand all the sounds that seemed to be getting louder instead of quieter. He couldn't help but think he'd be needing to invest in some ear plugs or something and he'd need to do it fast. His head was still pounding and just not feeling right, but at least he could walk like he had a brain in his skull. So that morning, he took a quick shower and decided to go for a walk. Running wasn't going to cut it because bouncing his brain around didn't sound like a good idea to him at all. Pulling on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt, he brushed his teeth and headed off down the street.

Jessalyn had stayed close by Madock for most of the night, even if he didn't realize it. She had been in her wolf form, of course, and had stayed across the street underneath some trees, but she hadn't wanted to leave him in case he needed her. Finally she'd had to go home, since she knew the later it got, the more worried her parents would be.

it feels like something's missing )

[info]justgriffin in [info]light_of_may

Breakfast and Dessert

Who: Aria and Griffin
When: Morning
Where: Griffin's place

When Griffin woke up that morning, he was confused as to what time it actually was. There was no sun beating through the window into his bedroom, and there were definitely no birds chirping. At least not outside his window. It was a gray day, dark and dank, and he squinted through his bleary eyes, trying to figure out if it was still raining outside. It sounded like it, but it wasn't storming, so... that was nice.

And why he was worried about the weather when he had a beautiful woman asleep next to him, Griffin had no idea. She was wearing his shirt, and her hair was tousled. And she looked adorable as hell. He paused and wondered if she would wake up if he took a picture of her on his camera phone to send to Niko and Scott. Nah, he probably shouldn't. That might be too creepy. He'd just have to introduce them to her in person. Griffin slipped and arm around her and rested back on his pillow. He didn't want to wake her up, but at the same time he did, just to prove to himself that this wasn't a dream.

where do you want me? )

[info]kileyanne in [info]light_of_may

A night on the town! ....Well, a night not in the house, for sure.

Who: Kiley Ricks and Sloane Messinger
When: Around 7ish
Where: The local pool hall for a meet up!

Sloane would call if she was late, she was sure. )

[info]daywind in [info]light_of_may

Casting a Spell

Who: Christian, Day, Jean (NPC), Jessalyn, Kaye
Where: The library
When: 11AM on the dot

Day's Mustang was packed when they pulled up to the library. Between him, Christian, Jess, and Jean, they used up every seatbelt, and Christian and Jean were a little squished in the abbreviated back seat. Day hopped out quickly enough once he parked, though, and pulled his seat forward to let them climb out.

"Everyone out," he said with a little smile, though he was tense and excited, beneath it. "Kayes-in-point, or whatever her real name is, should be waiting here." Unless she was running late. Or didn't show up, period. Or they couldn't find each other. All of which were possible, though thinking about those possibilities made him nervous, too.

And getting some troubling results.... )