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Sep. 28th, 2011



For Hannah and Jonas >:D (and yes Lindsey, I know I owe you a tag on this one, it's coming! ♥ )



For Evan and Bonnie!

Sep. 27th, 2011


Who: Frances and OPEN
Where: Streets of Scarlet Oak
When: Early evening

The day was too nice and the school year too close for Frances to spend it inside. Add in the fact that she couldn't spend one more minute listening to her step-father complain about what the world was coming while watching the news and Frances was calling over her shoulder that she'd be back later as she raced out of the house. She barely even paused to grab her bag and tug a hat over her hair. She was sure her grandmother heard, whether the other adults in the house did? Well she didn't actually care.

Earbuds went in the ears and the music got turned up as high as Frances could stand it. She could still see a ghost tagging after her, but with the music up it was easier to feel alone in her head. Unfortunately for Frances' plan, they were just not having it. She made it quite a few blocks and into the center of town before the fact that every few yards she'd be walking through her ghost-stalker started bugging her.

She tugged her earbuds out, flailing her hands. "Fine! I'm sorry for ignoring you, stop doing that!" Oh yeah Frances, that wasn't going to make you look crazy to passerbys at all. She shot a dark look at someone who was looking at her like she should be locked up in a loony bin.

Sep. 25th, 2011


Because you deserve it

Who: Dagmar and Satu
Where: Niemi home
When: Morning

For being a little brat. )

Sep. 22nd, 2011


Who: Ellie and OPEN
Where: The park
When: Late afternoon
What: How should I know?

It was a nice day to be outside, and Ellie was glad the park had been so near to the bookstore she'd been perusing. Her magical protection against iron had been wearing thin, and she'd had to make a strategic retreat to the nearest patch of nature for a break and to recharge as much as she could. She could still sense the iron of the town around her, but the expanse of nature surrounding her dulled the sensation, made it nearly bearable. Plus, it was a good spot for people-watching.

Ellie found herself a nice patch of grass under a huge oak, nestling in comfortably between two large, half-exposed roots and leaning up against the wide trunk. Her bag was dropped at her side, and she dipped into it to pull out a new rubik's cube. The multicolored square puzzle had been a delight to discover once she was through the portal to the human realm - it kept her busy for a few minutes at a time, and there was no end to the ways she could mix it up and then re-solve it. In fact, many of the human puzzles she'd tried out had been engaging, though her innate affinity for puzzles meant she solved most of them far too quickly. But it was soothing, in a way, her hands automatically flipping and turning the colorful square to solve it, mind and eyes left mostly free to watch whoever came her way.

Sep. 20th, 2011


give me something to hold on to

Who: Silvia and Nikita
Where: Nikita (and Silvia)'s home
When: Afternoon

That she had managed to make it home had truly been a shock. )

Sep. 19th, 2011


No longing for the moonlight, no longing for the sun

Who: Fable and Shyla
Where: Local cafe of awesomeness
When: Late morning

No longer will I curse the bad I've done. )


A pointless point of view

Who: Bianca and Kendal
Where: Art supply store
When: Late afternoon

'Why do you even work here if you don't know what you're doing?' )

Sep. 17th, 2011


Dream of a stairway to the skies

Who: Aurora and Diana
Where: That meadow near the house
When: Early afternoon

Is it a curse or a virtue? )

Sep. 16th, 2011


Something in the back of a magazine

Who: Lila and Madeleine
Where: Starbucks
When: Mid-afternoon

Written up in black and white. )


You take your time & you do your crime

Who: Eloisa and Valya
Where: Home
When: Evening

Well you made your bed. )

Sep. 7th, 2011


It's not just the sun that is hurting my head now

Who: Amanda and Liliya
Where: Town Hall
When: 4:00 p.m. or so

& this just doesn't feel right. )

Sep. 6th, 2011


"Grounded" is just a word

Who: Kat and Cole
Where: Skate park
When: 5:30 p.m.

What kinda kid actually listens to it? )


I'm not a problem that needs solving

Who: Darklis & Rina
Where: Home
When: Not long after 3pm

Orientation was all that Cole said it would be and more. )

Sep. 5th, 2011



DATE: Friday, August 21, 2009.

BIRTHDAYS: Cloelia, Rina

WEATHER: No changes from yesterday.

EVENTS: Try-outs for SOHS’ football team are ongoing again today. Also happening at SOHS is the new student orientation. With school starting in all Scarlet Oak public schools this coming Monday, it’s expected that a lot of ‘last hurrah’ parties and activities will be happening over the weekend. But the reason SOHS makes the afternoon and evening news will be centered on something else entirely.

Around 3 PM, an anonymous source calls a single local television station and informs them that a vampire is planning on intending SOHS, and showed up for orientation. And the school is going to allow it. The source is unknown, but for this information to leak, it is known that the leak must be on staff with the school itself. And from then on, it’s an instant media storm. When asked for comment, local superintendent states only that any minor has the right to an education within the public schooling system. The big question posed by local news channels? Is this vampire really a minor? If someone is turned at the age of sixteen, does it still count ten years later?

By the evening news, the vampire’s name and age hasn’t leaked yet, but many think it’s only a matter of time. Many local parents are upset, however, and there are rumors that a fair few students will be switching to private schools. No one knows what’s going to happen on Monday, and you can bet that the news will be following this topic very closely over the weekend.

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!