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Dec. 6th, 2010



Sparke Industries is hosting a toy drive for the Seattle Children's Hospital at the mall downtown. Donations are being accepted right up until 10 PM Christmas Eve.

Click here for a link to SCH's most needed.

Happy Holidays.

[Locked to A. Sparke.]
I'm sure it would help the cause if you made an appearance.

Dec. 3rd, 2010



I've been in Seattle for quite awhile, but am new to this forum and these buildings, and I have a question: Why not choose to live somewhere entirely human? Merely a curious question, nothing antagonistic in the asking.

Nov. 30th, 2010



Misses Dawes, Lucine and Kino,

Thank you for the invitation, but I have a previous engagement.

[Text to A. Sparke]
Must we have another sexual harassment lawsuit? Is it impossible to find dates that we do not employ?

Nov. 29th, 2010


Subject: Thanksgiving

Body of e-mail )

Subject: Thanksgiving

Body of e-mail )

[Twenty minutes after this e-mail is sent, a bouquet of flowers is sent to Reina Ignace's desk without a card.]


email to R. Ignace

Subject: Decorations

I'm putting you in charge of xmas decorations for the office. Your desk, lobby, halls, my office but don't touch my desk. No live trees. No creepy Santas. Nothing blatantly religious. I want this place festive by Friday. Take a long lunch today or tomorrow if you need to.



Nov. 28th, 2010


News people are stupid. Kthx.

Nov. 23rd, 2010


IM to R. Ignace

Do you have an evening gown? Something in burgundy, preferably. We need to match.

Nov. 22nd, 2010


phone call to The Academy (C. Byron)

[Call is made around 2pm]



locked to a. sparke

I WANT TO MEET THE IRON MAN PILOT Wait, no, I can't say that Shit this is harder than I thought it would be

Mr. Sparke:

I, uh had a memory from the Iron Man suit's pilot. My name is shit don't kill me Jackson Bly, and I'm an engineering student at the University of Washington. Mom, I love you, but I HAVE TO KNOW I'm a Creation, too, obviously with a power you might find useful?.

J. Bly


Nov. 19th, 2010


A Sparke

[Locked to A Sparke, after tracking down his forum identifier]

Mr. Sparke, welcome to Seattle. Penelope Worth, of Worth Financials. I believe I can be of service?


It's such a shame city air is so vile, and that Seattle is foggy and damp all the time.

Anyway, I'm pretty new to town and really don't want to make new friends, but I should and I was wondering if anyone knows a good place to get your hair done. Great Clips destroyed my hair. My girl-fro went from mildly controllable to impossibly crazy. Also, I accidentally won two tickets to the Seattle Seahawks game against the Saints. Anyone want them?

[Private to J. Ignace]
Lunapie, can you please stop "doing science" with my conditioner? It's expensive, and if you bring up the fact that you pay for it, I'll walk out and never buy groceries again.

I got a job! It's a 9-5 desk job, malo para mi concentración but better than nada. I start Monday.


Oh my God, moving is such a huge pain! It's like this terrible never-ending flood of boxes and movers and people unpacking things and asking me questions. Seriously, it's a new apartment! I don't know where anything goes! You put it somewhere, and that's where it goes. Someone just has to tell me later, and that's fine. Really!

At least some of the boxes are starting to get cleared out, and the furniture is all delivered and everything is starting to look pretty. I mean thank goodness, right?

So! To celebrate my moving in, I want to throw a big party. Housewarming, except not actually at the house, because it needs to be bigger than that. Like, huge! I already have a couple venues in mind, but I'd love suggestions or requests or just general RSVPs! Come and meet me, people! And please, call me Kylie.

Nov. 14th, 2010


I am 87% certain that a public forum is a very bad idea. However

Hello, residents of Seattle. I have just arrived, and I'd like to offer my services to my fellow Creations. I have worked as a P.I. in Musings for several years under the tutelage of a more experienced investigator, so now that I am in a new location I will be opening up my own service. I can be contacted at [phone number], for those who are interested.

Also, I am in need of a sparring partner familiar with capoeira, as I left all of mine behind when I moved. If anyone knows the style well enough that I could practice with them, I would appreciate some company during my workout.

Nov. 12th, 2010


Thanksgiving will be coming around soon. I hope everyone can find at least one thing to be thankful for. It's my favorite holiday of the year. There's nothing like sitting around a table with people you care about, sharing good food, good stories, and just realizing how good your life is right now. The only sad thing is that people usually only take one day to appreciate everything instead of doing so everyday. You should cherish every moment, because who knows if it won't be your last?



General PSA.

Doesn't matter if they're pumping sex-pollen into the vents, don't fornicate in the stairwell. Or the laundry room. Or just you damn people have a lack of creativity anywhere with an obvious police presence (yes, you will be arrested).

Also--if your pants are three floors below and your girlfriend's in handcuffs, don't try running.


Aw shit.


I need therapy.

I am so sorry. I- I don't know what to say.

Nov. 9th, 2010



I don't think I've quite recovered yet from the Masquerade. Yet more proof, of course, that it was indeed a 'howling success' - although I'd like to know exactly what about my tryst with a certain ringwraith could have possibly been considered 'less-than-savory'. As far as I'm concerned, that was a completely morally inoffensive affair. I'm inclined to point out that I will do whatever I please in the men's room at my own restaurant, on Halloween and my birthday no less.

I must say, Seattle - well done. You outdid yourselves spectacularly.
I'll be billing you all for the cost of replacing the carpets.

Brigs Mercer.

Oh, and darling?
Next time, perhaps don't try so hard to break my mirrors.


Hello good people of Seattle!

I need real recommendations for the best clubs in the area ASAP.

Strike that.

Let's make them "reviews" - glowing, mediocre, was-amazing-a-decade-ago. You get the picture. I don't trust Google and its questionable reviews and ratings any farther than I can throw them and my assistant's on strike regarding alcohol establishment reviews. I won't even bother asking about the coffee. I don't want to start a war.

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