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Nov. 21st, 2010



The people on these forums are disgusting. The way they flaunt themselves and no one has any restraint.

I have been told that these forums are an excellent place to inquire as to an assistant. I find I am in need of new one, as the last has decided to take her leave of me. It seems to be quite difficult to find someone who understands the concepts of loyalty and keeping your damned mouth shut discretion these days.

Nov. 17th, 2010


Things I need to avoid:
People having sex
Apparently, everything
[...] Everything.

So, if, say, your mom's still back home, and you're here and there's a holiday coming up, what would you do? I'd try to cook a turkey myself, but I think the Bathos doesn't need itself set on fire.

Can you get Chinese food, like how you can on Christmas?

[info]alphamfoxtrot seems like I missed a lot while I was out stealing some arttaking care of some business. What's this about nightmares? I'm glad I don't remember my dreams.

[Private to H. MacKenzie]
Sorry it's taken me so long to get this recipe to you. Work's had me running around faster than Flash, it seems. I did get that movie you suggest though. The B-Team. Ready for movie night take two?

[Attached is the Recipe for Chili Cheese Mashed Potatoes]

Nov. 16th, 2010


We just learned how to make croissants from scratch in class today. Strangely enough, though I love baking and cooking in general, I've never made puff pastry dough before. I've always just bought it. Weird right?

Anyway, I'm posting to let everyone in Bathos who might hear me know that the suspicious pounding noises are not, in fact, someone abusing their spouse, child, or pet. It's actually just me beating my butter to a pulp.

If for some reason this beating disturbs what you're doing or is loud and disruptive, feel free to let me know, I will gift you with chocolate-filled croissants. Homemade chocolate-filled croissants. Also, be comforted in the fact that I'll be getting out of your hair eventually--I'm moving to Aubade soon!

Nov. 15th, 2010



[After the mess about the Night Terror.]

nice place we got here on this side

Nov. 12th, 2010


Aw shit.


I need therapy.

I am so sorry. I- I don't know what to say.

Nov. 9th, 2010



I couldn't help but notice that all the information packets that I left in the lobby for PETA are still there. I would encourage everyone in Hamartia for the fifth time to pick up one of these very informative packets and read up. The treatment of animals in this country (and most of the others) is absolutely abhorrent! And they're animals. What are they going to do without people to step up and look out for them?

Even if you don't buy into all of what PETA stands for, you could at least take a look. There's plenty of non-vegetarian practices that promote the general wellbeing of animals! I also have information packets from the Humane Society, if you'd prefer.

And if anyone from either of the other buildings wants information, just ask. I don't have a problem dropping stuff off for interested parties.

Edit: For the record, I know very well that PETA can be crazy. That doesn't mean that everything they say is crazy. The information contained in the packets I'm talking about is specific and not-crazy.

Nov. 6th, 2010


Package Delivered to H. MacKenzie

[A box wrapped in plain brown paper containing this, this, and this with a note attached]

Eight pm, Room 405 at the Aubade. The doorman is expecting you.


PS - Wear these.

Nov. 5th, 2010


[delivered to Aubade 405]

[A day or so after the conclusion of this, a small, slightly crushed package that's leaking a red substance onto the carpet can be found outside the door with a handwritten note attached. A few lines have been added on at the end, clearly afterwards based on the fact that it's even more of a mess than the first part.]


Was in the area, thought you could use some.




[Underneath the brown paper can be found a box of these, a little cold but still edible]

Oct. 20th, 2010



anyone have any superstrength asprin or something? if youre in hamartia thatd be even better

Oct. 10th, 2010


Question. Does anybody have any marshmallows they're not using? The staler the better.

Oct. 5th, 2010



Let's just assume that you've made a colossally bad decision, and you're suddenly here with no ID or job or credit rating or money or-

That you didn't exactly prepare to come here.

What, exactly, should I do? What'm I supposed to do?

Er, and hello, I guess.

Oct. 4th, 2010


is it working

how can you tell if the post goes THROUGH HOW DO YOU TURN BIG LETTERS OFF STUPID LIttle letters

oh there


Got to admit, sometime I get tired of all this gray cloud.



Anyone want to go unicorn hunting searching with me this weekend?

Oct. 1st, 2010


Everyone seems to be in such a terrible mood today. Usually Fridays are happy, but everyone has been so... sour. My professors were short-tempered, my fellow students were all impatient and obtuse. Even people on the streets looked very glum and unwelcoming today. And then the forums were... very charged, I think?

Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps my interpretation is flawed.

I'm sure a cup of tea and some cookies will cast everything in a much nicer light.


[accidentally public; should be locked to M. Barnes]
Mere stupid Poppy stole my favorite shirt and won't give it back! She says it makes me look like a slut. I'm not a slut tell her I'm not a slut. And hit her!

[accidentally public; should be locked to P. Barnes]
Are you making ribs for dinner again tonight? By the way I hate you right now. I don't want to eat ribs. You know how I feel about eating animals. Let's have salads. Stupid thief. Theft is wrong! The President says so! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU YOU MEANIEBUTT.

Sep. 28th, 2010


For [info]the_automaton's Eyes Only

[AKA Why Harry Shouldn't Be Allowed to Surf the Internet]

Still think that robot thing is nonsense? Read this and then get back to me.

Sep. 27th, 2010


Okay, so riddle me this, riddle me that, riddle me everything over the sun can somebody explain what's going on? People end up dead, but the papers don't say anything. And when they do, it don't exactly compute from what they say. Like they're leaving stuff out. Standard for papers, I know. Don't have vocal cords, so they can't talk, and the people that make them tend to muzzle them puzzle them just don't guzzle them just to make sure, but that's no excuse. And then there's the guy in spandex and heavy artillery plastered all over the building. And I'm pretty sure it's not just me that's seeing them. I don't know if he's supposed to be somebody I'm supposed to look for or stay away from or if he's coming to town to do birthday parties or what. ...Although anybody who carries loaded guns to a birthday party should have their head examined. People who would pay for that, too. So...some help? I'm a little lost confused scared lost.


[Late Thursday evening, a sole link is posted on the forum]


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