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Jan. 6th, 2011


K Ehrlich-Cohen, P Rawlings, I Hughes

[Locked to K Ehrlich-Cohen]
Kathy, I wanted to ensure you and Georgia remained inside. Are you somewhere safe? Do you require assistance?

[Locked to I Hughes]
Isobel, consider this an order to remain inside from your eldest relative on this side of the portal.

[Text to P Rawlings]
You better be somewhere bloody safe.

Dec. 30th, 2010


Phone call to E. Pride


Dec. 26th, 2010


Public Post

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a day-time nanny for a very active five year old girl?

I seem to have lost mine to an elopement to Las Vegas as of yesterday and she'll be relocating to Michigan stupid girl. If anyone has a recommendation, I'll be conducting interviews over the next week. Please be aware that I am almost too thorough in my background checks and will require references.

Hours will be from 1 PM until 6 PM Monday-Friday, the person in question will need to pick her up from school at 1 PM sharp, and it may be necessary to stay late and work a weekend evening here and there. A car is not necessary, but you must know and understand the public transportation system, I pay well and if public transportation is required, I am happy to reimburse for that.

Dec. 22nd, 2010


K Ehrlich-Cohen

[Sent to the address he has for K Ehrlich-Cohen]

I know we have discussed our opinions of these days as secular, rather than religious, but I could not let them pass without something sent to you and Georgia. [A Beanie Baby and an antique tea cup and saucer are included.]

Dec. 14th, 2010


Package sent to E. Pride

Package sent to E. Pride )

Dec. 13th, 2010


K Ehrlich-Cohen

[Sent to K Ehrlich-Cohen after receiving this.]

A photograph and a letter. )

Dec. 8th, 2010


K Ehrlich-Cohen

[Sent to the address provided by [info]faultorvirtue]

[One carefully crated and sealed container of Guatemala Hunapu Antigua Bourbon, imported, with press instructions. Tartly sweet notes of berry and lemon, white floral notes and a hint of milk chocolate in both aroma and cup. Juicy acidity and a long, sweet finish with continued suggestions of berry and milk chocolate.]

[Note, which sits atop the sealed container of coffee beans: Do you require instructions on how to use a press?]

Dec. 5th, 2010


[Posted on]

When will people understand that chain coffee shops are not focused on quality the way independently run coffee houses are? You may take your Wi-Fi and your coffee that is woefully lacking in aroma and body, I say. Those establishments fail to understand what coffee houses are truly about.

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