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Feb. 24th, 2011


I am trying to teach puppy not to chew on things.


[Locked to M. Main]

um Sorry to bother. But [...] trying to have stuff. Other than fighting.

[...] Possible help find job?

Feb. 21st, 2011



[After attempting to contact Wren and getting no answer.]

Does a girl named Wren still live in town?


[Text Msgs]

[To L. Henry]
oracle says you can visit. but you cant stay the night. she said something about spoons and virginity? unless you wanna sleep in the living room. ohhh she thinks we're going to

look heres something funny

[attached is a picture of Runt in Quinn's dresser drawer.]

[To Gwen from the other room.]

can i get robot parts so my legs stop hurting? make me robot legs.

luke is coming over n i wont close the door. do you think me and luke would have sex if we did is that why?



[After this.]

I'm looking for a wolf.

Feb. 18th, 2011


[Mass E-mail]

[Mass E-mail to Cipher, Luke, Oracle, Darwin, and Wren.]

[ All that is in the body of the e-mail is an obvious article forward from the Seattle Times website of this article about the results of the trial.

Nothing else is sent with it. All attempts at contact on cellphone goes straight to voicemail, e-mails bounce back with cycled vacation 'away from computer' generated replies, and her comm is off.]

Feb. 15th, 2011


w. light, q. gaines

[Locked to W. Light]

You didn't go to the carnival?

[Locked to Q. Gaines]

A lot of people were Did you see the paper?


[locked to Q Gaines]

Hi, Quinn. It's Will Lowell.

Happy Valentine's Day, even though it's a day late. I wanted to check on you to see how you are. Your friend Wren told me you were okay, but I saw a picture of you in that wheelchair at the carnival I wanted to make sure. Everything going okay? Do you need anything? Did Luke upset you at the carnival like that paper said?


[Sent to W. Light]

[Day after Valetine's Day, Quinn sends a little box containing this necklace and earrings set with a carefully written note on pink paper.]


Didn't get to see you on Valetine's, but this is for you.
Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for helping
a girl who don't know words well find them. I hope we
are friends for a very long time.


Feb. 13th, 2011


Text to Wren

[Sent during Valentine's Carnival]

me and luke miss you. where you ran off to?

Feb. 9th, 2011


Q Gaines

[Two pieces of pink stationary left beside Quinn's hospital bed, written in feminine hand, along with a flash drive with one, two, three songs on it.]

Papers )

Feb. 8th, 2011


Q. Gaines

Delivery )


Q Gaines, Public

[Q Gaines]
[Left on the bedstand in Quinn's hospital room: A simple Valentines Day card, a vintage postcard with no writing on the back, and a note.] Maybe one of these will work for Luke?

I'm looking for Will, the tutor, please?

Feb. 7th, 2011


open comm.

[He sounds on edge, and rough.] The police have taken the Night Terror in.

Feb. 4th, 2011


[Late Thursday Night/Friday morning. A little after midnight.]

On Oracle's screen, Quinn's comm comes to life and across an open channel. )

Jan. 30th, 2011


Locked Post

[Locked to W. Light]

Do you know Luca Darby?

[Locked to L. Henry]

Your description was funny.

[Locked to G. Dailey]

Do me a favor?

Jan. 29th, 2011


E-Mails to W. Light, L. Henry, and W. Lowell

[E-mail sent to W. Light]

Thank you for the gift.

I am asking my tutor to teach us both lessons. You're not allowed to say no.

[E-Mail to L. Henry]

How is he? How are you?

[E-mail to W. Lowell]

Will? It's Quinn.

Would you tutor my friend and me? Can pay for it.

Jan. 28th, 2011


Q Gaines

[Q Gaines]

[Delivered to Q Gaines late on Wednesday: A a silver friendship ball in a cream, beaded satchel, with a note inside and tiny tiara barrette.]

I know we aren't having your birthday cake until next week now, but I didn't want to not give you anything on your real birthday. Friends used these to pass tiny gifts along in olden times. ~ Wren

Jan. 25th, 2011


Open Commlink

[Public commlink message sent during the National Guard catastrophe, after Oracle and Cipher cut out. From the sound of footsteps and his heavy breathing, it's obvious that Rorschach is running in a group.]

Rorschach with Corbinian, exiting National Guard. Locate victims, find blindfolded with papers read "one two seven." Cipher Oracle cut out, attacked. Location Crowne Plaza.

Jan. 21st, 2011



[After hearing that politicians are coming to the Seattle convention center on the news.]

Anyone picketing the corrupt politicians visiting our city this week, or are we just pretending our needs don't matter, like we normally do?

Jan. 20th, 2011


E-Mail sent to Luke and Wren

[Sent out before the full moon.]

Oracle says come over next Wednesday to eat a cake.

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