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June 20th, 2011

[info]skree in [info]musings

Locked to O. Monarch

[Locked to O. Monarch]

Okay, so I know you're famous. But I didn't know you were that famous.

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


The Seattle Times: Foundation Established by Local Museum Curator )

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


[Posted on Creations forums, but (interestingly) not cross-posted to the hacker's blog. Obviously Boris doesn't use his real name for much.]

Don't worry, Monarch, step on out of the closet, we all love you!

[info]theviola in [info]musings

[Call and text.]

[Call to R. Ignace.]

[Ring. Yay hangover calls. At least they've progressed from vague emails.]

[Text to S. Preston.]

See Poe this morning, I won't make it in.

[info]digitaldelphi in [info]musings

Very interesting article in the paper today.

I had grand plans of sending you a father’s day present a day after the fact (I sense a tradition on the horizon). Then I realized that not only am I completely terrible at buying you gifts, but getting said present into your hands, and not lost in red tape and corporate handling, was nearly impossible.

So instead, I’m letting my thoughts count. I hope you had a very happy father’s day.

I’m guessing from the lack of horrified phone calls, your costume party experience went okay?

(after this is mentioned)
Spill. How bad is it?

(after this is delivered back to her)
All right, Arrow. What happened?

[info]ex_theredlig387 in [info]musings

G Dailey

[Call to G Dailey]


[info]scaredofme in [info]musings

H Radcliffe

[Locked to H Radcliffe]

Hello, little one.

[info]bystealth in [info]musings

Phone call to L. Henry.

[Waiting for a pick up, and then:] I haven't seen you since the party.
Tags: ,

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

[Posted is a YouTube video titled "SPIDER-MAN EPIC FAIL" uploaded by username: thereanimator. It's a shaky cam of Spider-Man getting seriously injured during this fight. The video shows Spider-Man getting slammed against walls and the ground by a blurry, large assailant. At first the thrashing he is taking could be considered humorous, but it becomes quickly apparent that he is getting beat inches from his life.

Archibald's voice can be heard. He's laughing like a mad man and singing: "Spider-Man, Spider-Man. Can’t do what a spider can. Is he winning? No he’s not. She’s gunna punch out all his blood. Look out! Don’t die Spider-Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan."

The video cuts off after another insane giggle.]

[info]aspidercan in [info]musings

open vigilante comm and locked forum message

[Both of these things are sent at around 9:15 pm on Monday, after Spidey meets the Blacks.]

[ Open Vigilante Comm ]

[Spider-Man waited a few minutes to calm himself down before going on the comm, but his voice still betrays his injuries. His breaths are slow and labored, and when he does speak, his voice is a bit hoarse.]

Hey, cats and kittens. Can anyone hook a spider up with a good fabric store? I need to invest in a better suit.

[There's a pause, during which he manages to sum up a great bit of flippancy in his voice.] And on a completely unrelated note, Oracle, Rescue, I need a three-way. Don't worry, I'll be gentle.

[ Locked to Z. Zaldana ]
[From the Anon account with the Spider icon.]

i don't suppose your kisses cover injuries other than dog bites?

[info]sagittal in [info]musings

V Anna

[Call to V Anna]
[As soon as she picks up.] We're having sex all over Seattle. Don't bother with underwear. Be ready at 8.

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


[The fog appears in the afternoon, and blankets the city within five minutes, spreading freakishly fast. Visbility is roughly a foot if that, and accidents take place all over town until people get the picture and abandon their cars.

While the outside world leaves people nearly blind, the fog does not affect buildings - except for Aubade. About twenty minutes after the initial spread of the fog, Aubade fills up with it. The fog inside the building, however, lasts for only about an hour before the building's internal ventilation system filters it out.

By evening visibility has slightly improved, up to about five to ten feet at best. Local news stations are advising everyone to walk or take public transit to work, and the police have issued an order prohibiting civilian vehicles on the roads - only trucks bringing supplies into the city and municipal vehicles are allowed out because driving conditions are so treacherous.]

[ooc: The fog will last for about a week before dissipating, and should be the last major weather event for a while.]

[info]ex_criminy155 in [info]musings

locked messages

[ Locked to C. Westley ]
[Sent Monday, several days late for a thank you, but when does Dagny ever do things the way they should be done?]

Hey so I know I didn't really say much to you on Wednesday because yelling doesn't count so I wanted to just send you a message where I can [...] say something to you. Even though it was so stupid of you to just drag me to your apartment like that and then call my cousin's fiance for advice [...] I'm glad you did it. That's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever I'm not going to get all mushy on you and crap, but thanks.

[ Locked to L. Daniels ]

How much overtime are you legally allowed to give me before it's considered slave labor?

[info]digthefuzzyelf in [info]musings

[Locked to H. Radcliffe]

So I believe we ran into each other at the party, but did not recognize one another. Are parties here always so [...] unusual?