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May 5th, 2011

[info]aspidercan in [info]musings

open vigilante comm

[After the birds attack.]

Okay, guys. Who's been watching too much Hitchcock? Because normal fans write fanfiction or draw creepy art, this is just weird. [There's the sound of wind rushing past the comm.] Do we know if these things have something contagious?

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

Post by Anonymous

Whoopsie! Looks like there's a hole in the aviary. Don't know why angry birds are such a problem with you people. What with all these feathered vigilantes running around, you'd think the city would be used to it.

You have to admit, they're pretty fantastic aren't they? Watch your eyes!

[info]mercofthemouth in [info]musings

It's like that Hitchcock movie. You know, with the birds and stuff. Vertigo. No, Psycho. Maybe it was North by Northwest? So hard to remember!

[info]deseo in [info]musings

Public, K Mancuso, Oracle

If anyone has encountered one of the birds that is already dead, I would appreciate a fresh cadaver at the County Medical Examiner's office.

[E-mail to Oracle]
In case any of your contacts are looking into anything that matches this. It is almost not human, this crime, and the attempt to heal the injury is certainly not. - Z

[Attached: A detailed description of the autopsy for John Doe.]

[Call, Bonney-Watson Funeral Home]

[info]bullet_scrip in [info]musings

text messages

[All sent around midday today.]

[ Text to A. Gideon ]

i fink i ent in kanzus nemor

[ Text to S. Djaevelen ]

did you see me at all last nite? [...] or yesturday?

[ Text to S. Hawthorne ]

hey luv hows the wethur owtsid now?

[ Text to V. Anna ]

long tim no heer

[...] or wuz et?

[ Text to I. Hughes ]

did i partee wiv you last nite?

[info]bylined in [info]musings

T Brandon

[Call to T Brandon's cell, late afternoon]

[info]digitaldelphi in [info]musings

Apparently it’s a good thing we came back early and missed the start of divebombing birds. Still feeling like death?


I need one of those advise pamphlet. The one that's called So Your Neighbors Know Your Secrets. Or maybe just some reassurances, stat.

[info]glovedup in [info]musings

texts, e-mails, locked forum messages, and a note

In which Hayley tries to set the record for most number of ridiculous messages in one forum post in Musings )

[info]mashedmagic in [info]musings

[sent in the early hours of Friday morning, between one and two]

[email to Preston's work account]

I'm not going to be at work tomorrow wait it's later today. I'm wallowing in self-loathing while nursing a hangover not feeling well. I'll let Mr. Sparke know.

[email to Anton's work account]
Mr. Sparke,

I just sent an email to Preston, but I wanted to cover my bases. I'm not feeling well, so I won't be coming into work today. I think I had sex with one of your competitors in a limo I am an idiot I should never be allowed to drink I expect to be better by Monday. I should be done wallowing in self-pity by then Have a pleasant weekend.

[text to I. Hughes]
Drinking buddy, I have a hypothetical question for you, if you have a moment.

[info]likedillinger in [info]musings

e-mail to the engineer

My associate's found a suitable location for your machine. It's a large facility, by the docks, and not owned by any drug cartels.

Thoughts on transportation?

[info]getemtiger in [info]musings

[public & one text]

So, these birds are freaking me out and I need a good distraction. It just so happens that I have a new roommate. And it's Cinco de Mayo. I'm throwing a get together at my apartment, Hamartia 505, to celebrate tomorrow. Open house, free booze, just come to have a good time. (More alcohol or food will, of course, always be welcome.)

[Text to C. Bennet]
what time do you get off work tomorrow, girlie? i'm thinking of organizing a get together for your welcome!