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May 4th, 2011

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

[Delivery to A. Gideon]

A small red envelope with a single thick piece of paper in it is slid under Gideon's door at his apartment.

Printed on the paper is:

Johnny T. Smith by May 5th [Attached Picture]
$80, 000
Pick up at [Coordinates in the Warehouse district]

*If searched no prints or any forensics can be found.*

[info]ninelives in [info]musings

Public Post by L. Pride

I'm over this moving thing and I'm really over the broken elevator.

Anyone want a dresser? 6 drawers, decent condition. Heavy as hell. It's sitting pretty in the lobby of Harmi Hamamti this building.

First come, first serve. Knock yourselves out.

[info]napoleonic_star in [info]musings

locked o. monarch

[The morning after this]

As a vigilante, do you know of any discrete individuals with healing abilities?

[info]digitaldelphi in [info]musings

(sent around sunset)

No practice tonight. I might have to flee the state soon.

If I get arrested, you're in charge of making sure Kyle goes easy on me.

[info]the_automaton in [info]musings

Text and Forum Message

[Sent this morning, after this]

[ Text to K. West ]

I'm not coming in today.

[ Locked to S. Djaevelen ]

I'm still not sure if the Night Terror is the man we are looking for, but I believe he may be. We have officially met.

[Sent later in the day on Monday.]

[ Locked to G. Dailey ] )

[info]enchanted_rose in [info]musings

c. callahan, r. ignace, a. black

[Locked to C. Callahan.]

I'm sorry for confusing you the other day.  I'm hoping it won't happen again.

[Locked to R. Ignace.]

Ms. Ignace,
Thank you for speaking with me Sophie the other day.  I appreciate your taking the time to converse with me her in French.
A. Henderson

[Phone call to A. Black]

Ring, Ring

[info]sagittal in [info]musings

Comm: Oracle

[Comm to Oracle]
I know you got a healer on call, honey. I need you to send them somewhere for me, real quiet like.

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

[Overnight, the birds that had been missing from the friendly Seattle skies come back in waves. They've changed into violent little creatures intent on attacking everything and everyone in their path. Late night joggers come home with startling cuts across their shoulders and faces, drunks and dealers alike are dive-bombed in the middle of the street and strange squawking can be heard from indoors.

The birds seem to drop dead by morning, but each night through Friday a new wave flies in to replace them. Under examination it seems as though these poor creatures haven't technically been alive for a long time.]

[info]thinkaloud in [info]musings


omfg are the birds rabies?@!!!

[Locked to C. Westley]

hi its rome

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

Does Seattle know only of bad dreams?

[info]thehalfdemon in [info]musings

Locked to Bathos

To whoever lives in apartment 705, cease your constant noise. I've put up with the banging for nine months now, and am sick of it: learn to walk without running into a wall every other minute or face the consequences.

[info]napoleonic_star in [info]musings

[locked to g. dailey]

How likely is it that your being a mask is going to result in an ICBM exploding in my apartment?

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


First I get mugged, and then I get attacked by birds?>

This week can goto hell.

[info]ihatecellphones in [info]musings


Those who have been attacked by the birds and are in need of healing medical treatment, I am free to help whoever needs it. I do not charge anything, I am just looking to help. You may message me publicly or privately if you need help.

[info]getemtiger in [info]musings

[public post]

Okay, that is the last time I walk home after closing. Quick reflexes or not, some of those nasty birds managed to get me, and holy shit do I have a lot of cuts all over. Does anyone have a nifty way to prevent scarring?

[info]ihatecellphones in [info]musings

[Phone Call]

[Phone call to A. Morgenstern]

Ring Ring