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January 29th, 2011

[info]dontstopblievin in [info]musings

F. Torres


Hey babessssss. You're gonna bid on me right Frankie?? Right???

[info]sanslumieres in [info]musings

text to e. pride

[sent late Friday night]

oh my god, eli, it is absolutely gorgeous out here! i'm taking lots of pictures and you'll have to see them when i get home!

how're you? still being good, i hope? ;)

must go! there's a dance going on and ray's dragging me out the door!

[info]whisper_no in [info]musings

e-mail to poppy

[The e-mail is sent the evening after this incident.]

Subject: Status

Been few weeks. How doing?

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


Worried about Creation, ability based crime? Want to help?

[info]damnare in [info]musings

To the lovely redhead from the tent party

We should talk sometime. Our meeting ended rather abruptly, and if I remember correctly, I still owe you two somethings, don't I?

[info]bylined in [info]musings

Oracle, A Main, R Darman

[From somewhere, after things calm.]

[Comm to Oracle]
Oracle. Isolate.

[Locked to A Main]
Audrey, false alarm. Everything's fine.

[Locked to R Darman]
Thanks for keeping security in check. Up for a covert assignment?

[info]dyingatherfeet in [info]musings

locked to t brandon

[After this.]

you're an asshole and i hope a bus runs you over i was so stupid to think that i could trust my own taste So I hear you're back, that's great. I put you up for auction for the charity auction. Why? I don't know, because I'm a crazy bitch, I guess. When you disappeared off the face of the earth I tried to bid on your auction. I knew it was you because they used the stupid joke information I gave them. Anyway, someone else won you, so now you get to go on a date with someone for charity. Have fun.

ETA: [A few hours later, after she considers that Thomas might just sleep with his date, making it not so much a punishment as something that will make Max more upset.] You know what, I'm willing to try to buy your date off the winner if I can get hold of them, and save you a date with someone else. I'm just fucking generous like that.

[info]predicted in [info]musings

E-Mails to W. Light, L. Henry, and W. Lowell

[E-mail sent to W. Light]

Thank you for the gift.

I am asking my tutor to teach us both lessons. You're not allowed to say no.

[E-Mail to L. Henry]

How is he? How are you?

[E-mail to W. Lowell]

Will? It's Quinn.

Would you tutor my friend and me? Can pay for it.

[info]nunchakuturtle in [info]musings


Has anyone seen an orange cat around Hamartia? I don't know how he got out, but looked everywhere and he's nowhere to be found. His name is Klunk and he's not very big. If you find him could you please please let me know? Thanks.

[info]ex_toujours322 in [info]musings

locked to e pride

Ready to kiss and make up yet?

[info]damnare in [info]musings

[locked to B. Thorne]

We never got a chance to finish our oh so interesting conversation last time. I thought it a shame since it seemed to have such wonderful possibilities.

Perhaps you'd like to continue?