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December 24th, 2010

[info]iquakewithfear in [info]musings

Delivered, Brandon apartment

[Delivered to Aubade 506 late on the 24th, for whoever opens the door: The fixings for one family Christmas dinner, mostly heat and serve, except for the turkey, which has oven instructions.]

[info]bystealth in [info]musings

Encrypted email to Oracle.

[After this bit of news. Marked urgent. Yay, Merry Christmas.]

I want Corbinian off the commlines immediately.

[Attached files on the "Nursery Killer."]
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[info]ex_theredlig387 in [info]musings

K West

[After this]

[Locked to K West]

I'm not sure I should go tomorrow, but I'll still be there tonight.

[info]aquaillusion in [info]musings

[locked to B. Lucine]

[after this]

That has to be one of the creepiest things I've ever encountered, Bunny. Seriously. What is it anyway?

But as for Christmas, I'll be spending the morning with my mom, but I could probably get away after noon if you really want me there. I don't want to impose.

[info]the_automaton in [info]musings

[ Private to J. Warda ]

I apologize for Toby's overzealous adherence to the role of "guard dog." I am attempting to break him of such bad habits. Thank you for the gloves. They fit perfectly.

[ Private to E. Eirwen ]

Thank you very much for the sweets. Though I still doubt that dogs understand the concept of festivities and holidays, Toby was very pleased with your gift.

[ Private to T. Pecker ]

While your guidebooks are appreciated, I'm sure you'll find I didn't need them.

I must also ask why you bought me black long pajamas. They seemed out of place when compared with your other gifts.