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December 23rd, 2010

[info]thekappa in [info]musings

private to C. Knight

Did you like your present? I considered getting you a party pack, but those pre-teen girls are really squirmy and I didn't think I'd be able to wrap them properly.

[info]bystealth in [info]musings

Phone call to M. Main

[A very ordinary phone call from Thomas Brandon's very ordinary cell phone to Max Main's very ordinary cell phone. Ordinary, ordinary ring.]

[info]notjustsidekick in [info]musings

b. lucine, m. main

[Text to B. Lucine]

guess whos motorcycle this is?

[attached is this picture]

[Afterward, locked to M. Main]

You're my new favorite person Thanks for the bike. It's badass so cool awesome.

[info]commandandlead in [info]musings

phone call to b. lucine

[ring ring]

[info]corbinian in [info]musings

locked to m. main, a. morgenstern

[locked to m. main]

[Jack has noticed the tools around Max's apartment, so he assumes she knows a thing or two about cars.] Max. Do you know of a good place that I can store a bike?

[locked to a morgenstern]

I know it's a cliche, but you shouldn't have. I don't know how to thank you enough.

[info]bystealth in [info]musings


[A. Schaefer, M. Main, & L. Henry]

There is a temporary houseguest. Mr. Schaefer crossed unexpectedly and he has [...] difficulties with his abilities. Thank you for your patience.

[info]reform_wanted in [info]musings

[I Hughes]

[Delivered to Isobel's door approximately four hours after this]

A plate of chocolate chip cookies, looking slightly burnt, with a folded piece of construction paper that had a Polaroid of Ray's messy kitchen and a note.

If you really want me to, I'll come with you.

[info]nunchakuturtle in [info]musings

[Locked to P. Worth]

[Shortly after this, after she's calmed down a teensy bit]


Alfie, thank you sososososo much for the gift! That is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever given me and I don't even know how to thank you properly!