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December 17th, 2010

[info]aquaillusion in [info]musings

[Locked Post: B. Lucine, K. Dawes, J. Kino, R. Holland, S. King]

[after mail delivery of the day and a trip to the post office to pick up a parcel that wouldn't fit in his box at Hamartia.]


So, my mother decided to send me this box of X-mas ornaments, I think she got them off of ebay or something and I have really no idea what to do with them. There's really no room in here for a tree or anything. I don't know what all is inside. It looks like some kind of crazy grab-bag of ornaments as far as I can tell so not searching it, who knows what's in there, but it's a decent sized box.

Was wondering if any of you might have a use for it.


[info]moretrashbags in [info]musings


MEMO TO SELF AND FORUM AT LARGE. ...Can you call it that? I'm not sure it actually has a size you can quantify in the "bigger than a breadbox" scale. Anyone who knows for sure, let me know.

But anyway. Back to the memo.

Does anyone have a microwave I can borrow? I want to have a Peep joust, but I'm lacking in necessary appliances.

On a related note, don't have them in the oven. It just makes a burnt mess and isn't anywhere near as fun to watch.

On another related note, I apologize to everyone on the 4th floor of Hamartia for the fire alarm. And the smoke. It was in the name of science?

[info]blytech in [info]musings

open comm

[In the background, there is the faint sound of music. Then comes Bly's voice as he rocks out to this song at the top of his lungs. He doesn't realize the communicator is on.]

[info]iquakewithfear in [info]musings

T Brandon

[Secure email to T Brandon]
Luke is scheduled to meet with the police and prosecutor's office on Monday at 10 am, at Thomas, Inc. Our lawyers will all be in attendance, and you will both be required to make your statements at that time. I believe the public defender is eager to cut a deal, and it might be best to avoid a trial, if the terms are agreeable. They have, of course, requested all evidence. I provided it to the best of my knowledge.

The company holiday gifts have been purchased, as they are every year. The press has been barred from passing Aubade's gates, and you and Luke may return at any time that he is able.

[info]youma_taisan in [info]musings

[Delivered to Worth Financials]

[Arriving via courier Friday afternoon, one Harry & David Top Hat Deluxe Bakery Stack (a sizable amount of cookies, brownies and various other treats) addressed to Luke Henry is sent to the office of Penelope Worth. There is a small card attached; penned by Rad himself, the note is very brief.]

Best wishes in this difficult period.

Your friends
Bunny Lucine, Kylie Dawes, Juliet Kino,
Skyler King, Douglas Wiley, Radcliff Holland

[info]twofacedliar in [info]musings

[Two weeks before Atom's New Year's Eve/One Year Anniversary charity event, there are posters around the lobbies/foyers of the three apartment buildings and advertisements in the papers. The layouts are different but equally eye-catching, and the important information is conveyed equally well (31 December 2010; new year countdown; open bar; capacity of 150; cabaret theme; no cover charges but all donations go toward a good cause)]

[Text to Gaius Asher]
Xmas @ my place. I'm cooking. Let Cyril know. Boyfriend welcome to join. Also i'm missing 2 beretta 92s?

[info]thornyedges in [info]musings


[Nine p.m., second floor. Evidence is as such: one half-finished glass of wine, with just a hint of lipstick on the edge of the rim. One long-stem white and pink rose, left behind on the table. If one were to inspect this scene further, they will notice strangely elegant hand-writing upon the napkin.

stirs the spring, happiness
bursts through the earth like a plant,
walls crumble,
and rocky cliffs,
chasms close,
as song is born.
A jug of wine, and thou beside me
in the wilderness,
sang the ancient poet.

[info]iquakewithfear in [info]musings

L Henry, Q Gaines

[Phone call to L Henry]
[After receiving this and after the beginning of this.]


[Locked to Q Gaines]
[After this.]

Quinn. A favor, if you would?