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November 10th, 2010

[info]corbinian in [info]musings

locked to c. chadbourne

I wanted to thank you for sending those pies over, they were delicious. And I'm a terrible cook, so I think you may have saved Ruby from starvation.

[info]miroirs in [info]musings

locked to w. light

I see you replied to that post calling all vigilantes. Is something happening?
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[info]girlofthenight in [info]musings

Posted by R. Sexton

Discussion topic #467:

How often do you lot keep track of birthdays now that you've crossed over? Still ignore them? Still pay attention? Finally ignore them? Why?

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

In Bathos 204's mailbox )

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

[On Wednesday, work is being done on Bathos, Hamartia and Aubade.

All of the elevator buttons and stair railings are replaced with new fixtures in all three buildings. Harmless, right? Not quite.

Anyone touching the railings or buttons will feel no inhibitions for the hour following contact (the overall effect will last 5 days, until 11/15/2010). The fixtures were created by the Mad Hatter, just as the accessories for the Masquerade were, and they were routed by the same person who routed the shipment to Centro. Unlike the events of the Masquerade, personality, memory, knowledge and identity are not affected.

Despite full knowledge, all Creations touching the fixtures will do and say whatever they want, with no impulse control to keep them in check.]

[info]prettydarngay in [info]musings

[text to b. mercer]