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October 21st, 2010

[info]mercurialman in [info]musings

The individuals who left those syringes are clearly trying to distract the residents from their preparations for the Masquerade.

I am thoroughly unimpressed and taking it as a personal affront.

[Locked to Centro staff]

I will be dressed as [costume description].

Check in with your costumes as soon as you've acquired them. Remember, you are all under agreement to refrain from disclosing the identities of other staff members to any outside parties. Consequences for breaking this agreement cannot be named in polite company. Halloween is serious business.

[info]andadoctor in [info]musings

e-mail to d. hockney

[Sent after hours of boredom in her office at the clinic finding the proper combination of enhancing features from to accentuate the image. The e-mail contains a picture of Adam and Daryl passed out on the couch from Sunday night, complete with blinking hearts, pink sparkles, and a arrow pointing to the corner of her mouth with the words "lol drool" tacked on the other end.]

Your human nature is showing.

[info]predicted in [info]musings

Locked to W. Light

Crass and tasteless boy is living with me.

[...] Do you know anyone who'd hire him for anything?

[info]littlewilson in [info]musings

[ Locked to Z. Ramey ]

So is it just me or does Gabe suck more now? He put me in a dead people bag.

[ Locked to J. Whitmire ]

I'm sorry if I kind of Thanks for

[nothing sent]

[ Locked to W. Light ]

You going to the Centro party?

[info]superboy in [info]musings

I think I've fallen in love.

Man have I missed living in an actual city. Seattle? > Edwardsville. Bright lights. Fast cars. Frat parties. University life? Way cooler than I thought it would be. Just have to remember to pace myself. Must find some time for studying in between festivities. There's like. An event for everything. Amazing.

So. Now that I'm up in the middle of the night and actively not studying. Is there anyone in Bathos that feels like an epic battle of the bands via Rock Band? It'll be legendary.

[info]corbinian in [info]musings

comm. to oracle

[After his conversation with Rorschach and the Bat, the first order of the day seems to be getting communicators.]

Oracle? I have a question for you, if you have a moment.

[info]fearlessfelix in [info]musings

So chickadees, a community drowning in masks is going to go to a masked ball. Bad taste or just making you all feel nice and comfortable? We've got syringes littering the hallway of not just the low-income housing but the topic on my mind is house-guests. How to keep them from poking their noses where they're not wanted: advice invited from the floor!