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October 20th, 2010

[info]moretrashbags in [info]musings


anyone have any superstrength asprin or something? if youre in hamartia thatd be even better

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


SUBJECT: Assistance

I was told that I could find help in overriding security programs here. Is it true that you can assist me?


[info]lostadream in [info]musings

Locked to S. Ellery.

I don't suppose you were arrested after everything that happened?

[info]sonador in [info]musings

Odd question probably no one will like: does anyone think the company was trying to help us? With the syringes I mean.

[info]awalkingcarpet in [info]musings

Locked to W. Light.

I need to talk to you.

[info]voicelikemoney in [info]musings

[Getting his 'visitors' out of the apartment is not nearly as easy as getting them in because neither of the young ladies is feeling particularly inclined to leave thanks to the Italian jackass. The problem is that Gaius doesn't want them in his home, either. They are not intended for his private amusement, after all.

Three hours filled with incoherent babbling, a swimming pool full of tears and a monstrous headache later, he settles for making some calls. Another half hour later, a small army of stylists, designers and 'instructors', armed with a myriad of boxes marches into the Aubade.

By the time his apartment looks like the backstage area of a fashion show, Asher is long gone. The professionals know what they're doing and the girls should have caught on what their real purpose in this shiny country is. If not... Well, that would be a real shame.]

Fabulous job tidying the foyer up, ladies and gents. You have my eternal gratitude.

[info]mercofthemouth in [info]musings

Tell me someone is going as a DNA molecule for this masquerade. Because that would be epic.

[info]wakawakawaka in [info]musings

seattle is a great city. a really great city. don't get me wrong! but ah i think i may be very lost.

i got directions from the university district earlier but the man who gave them to me was wearing a construction hellmet and then he started talking to a tree.

i just past a statue of john lenin. or maybe jon lenin. its hard to spell and type on a phone.

i need to get to hamartia. any advice? i will pay you in jokes.
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[info]ringofroses in [info]musings


Step #1: acquire (find) place to live - done.

Step #2: acquire (find) food, because seriously - done.

Step #3: acquire (fine!) adequate musical instrument - in progress.

Eve my dear, the things you have in this computer.

[info]bylined in [info]musings

T Brandon

[Locked to T Brandon]
If I don't get a communicator soon, I'm going to think it's personal, Brandon.