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August 9th, 2010

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

Public on the Network

[Posted publicly on the network]

Do you have a source you'd like to keep quiet? A story you think Seattle should know? Looking for a credible voice for your credible inside scoop? Post privately to The Cipher. Anonymity guaranteed.

[info]firehazards in [info]musings

You’re going to be disappointed if you were expecting something profound. I’m looking for a decent coffee place in the Rainier Valley area – preferably cheap. Not really a fan of the commercial stuff.

Help a lady out, would you.

[info]curiosities in [info]musings

I was misled today in the most awful manner.

There was a boy on campus handing out fliers that invited people to attend a Tea Party, which I thought sounded lovely. Who doesn't love a tea party, after all? There's always delicious tea and usually wonderful little cakes or tarts or other sweets. Usually one has a tea party with friends, and so there's good conversation and company. When I asked about these things, however, the young man described something completely different. It didn't sound at all like a lovely tea party, but rather like a boring political gathering. I gave him back his flier and left, but then decided to give him an explanation for my displeasure – he seemed very confused when I told him that he shouldn't deceive people with his posters.

When I went back to find him, though, he was gone.

And now I'm not sure if he was ever there, or if he was something that I just imagined on my way to Philosophy... But what an odd daydream that would be.