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Jan. 11th, 2016


Spam for James

[She knows he's been a little gloomy since Eddy left for DC even if he won't admit it, but she and James have been having moments of decency and friendliness in the past few days. She's not fooled, of course. She's not stupid enough to let herself get tangled up in thinking this marriage will ever be good in any capacity according to this world's standards but as far as she's concerned, they can still be cordial. Maybe they can even be more than that. Something right below friends, if they're lucky.

She decides to do something nice for him today. After Prescott is tucked away for the night she stops by his office to see if he's not too busy to take an hour or two to watch a movie and unwind a little. She taps her knuckles lightly against the open door.]

Jan. 6th, 2016



[Forward-dated to midnight]
Hey. My wife is asleep, but I can't keep my eyes closed. I keep thinking about you, man. I miss you... Anyway, call or Skype me back when you get this. I just need to hear your voice.

Jan. 5th, 2016


Okay, Tuesday Joke of the Day, are who's ready for it?

A guy is taking his girlfriend to prom. He waits in the ticket line for a really long time but gets them. He goes to rent a limo. The rental line is really long but eventually does it. He goes to buy her flowers. The line at the florist is really long but eventually he gets the flowers. At prom, she asks him to go get punch. He goes to the refreshment table and there's no punchline.

I'm dying. I wish it was mine but I can't take credit. So funny.

Jan. 3rd, 2016



Hey, baby. I got a question for you.

Dec. 18th, 2015


Just thought you guys could use a little reprieve from all of this craziness.

She's obviously got her priorities in order.

Dec. 17th, 2015


[At 10:20 EST this video will play on all devices.

TLDR; His girlfriend came back to return his house key because after 9 years, she's finally done with him. They argue over the times they cheated on and killed for each other, they push each other's buttons, she slaps him, they make out, then he says he loves her for... the third time in 9 years.]

Dec. 1st, 2015


I just found a really great health food place in Brooklyn Heights - all kinds of interesting, organic, fresh groceries. They even have Agave syrup smoothies. Chris would go crazy. I miss- Stop. Uh, even if you're not into that sort of stuff they have a heap of amazing smelling essential oils.

Anyway. So, how many of you guys found work in NYC after you woke up here? I think I'm going to spend everything I have on candles go a little stir crazy if I don't have something to keep me busy.


Uh, hi guys. How are ..things there?

Nov. 30th, 2015



Did you see that new girl?

Nov. 28th, 2015


Zach and Eddy

[He's rubbing off red lipstick from his mouth and cheeks as he switches the camera on]
Looks like my Thanksgiving present came too. [He smirks] My secretary went from B to DD overnight. What'd Thanksgiving Santa give you guys?

Nov. 23rd, 2015



Drop everything you're doing, I'm coming over.



[In truth, she isn't thinking about James at all when she brings the beautiful bouquet of green flowers home. She can hardly think at all. It feels as though she's floating on air, gliding instead of walking back inside of her lavish mansion. She doesn't know why or what this means, but she knows these flowers are for her and they smell sweeter than the most delicate confections. She drifts into the kitchen and places them on the countertop with the most sun. Green has always been her favorite color, how perfect.]

Nov. 20th, 2015



I've been thinking of trying new things.

Nov. 18th, 2015


Spam for Amelia

[James is home late again, but this time he doesn't smell like some other girl. No Henley, no secretary, no strippers or bartenders... he made a trip to the jewelry store with Eddy after they hit the local bar, Eddy was picking something up for Esmeralda, so James decided to surprise his own wife. It seemed just her speed.

He walks through the house and into Prescott's room where he knew he'd find her. He walks over to her and gives her a kiss before kissing the infant in her arms]

I got you something on my way home from work. [He smiles faintly, she looks more beautiful today than ever. He gestures for the nanny standing across the room to take Prescott so her hands will be free when he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gold leather jewelry pouch for her.]

Nov. 13th, 2015



So it'll be really weird if we have to spend the holidays here instead of at home but just in case we have to, I think we should draw names for a secret santa. That could be fun. I've seen it done before and it always looks like a lot of fun.

[The people in charge of the orphanage]
Are you having a toy drive for the holidays?

Nov. 12th, 2015



Is anyone still here?

Nov. 11th, 2015



Drinks at my place? [Oh yeah, Henley, after being in a relationship with him for 5 months, you're finally going to see the inside of his mansion.]

Oct. 21st, 2015



You know that movie Birds?

Tell me you're seeing this.

Sep. 22nd, 2015


Text to Eddy

>> [Bar name].
>> [Attached picture of two girls, one's who is a ginger, and the other looks vaguely like Esmeralda]
>> One night, buddy. If you don't like it, I won't ask you again. Deal?

Sep. 19th, 2015


I have this trick in my mind, a real nail-biter, but I have no idea how to make it happen. Can anyone tell me what I'd need to make a giant glass container of boiling water? Like what kind of heat source?

Feel like having a little fun this weekend?

Sep. 17th, 2015


You're going to hear it from the housing staff anyway, there was a break in, everything's okay.

[Zach and Derek (separately)]
Um so I caught a cat burglar today? Yeah, I know. I'm awesome.

[Derek (cont.)]
I did it without even losing control a little. I just grabbed him and disarmed him and held him until the cops came. My claws didn't even come out.

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