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Dec. 16th, 2015


[ At 8:52pm PST/11:52pm EST, the video below the cut will show to everyone over age sixteen. ]

cut for length )

( tl;dr: Chester having snuggle time with her gf; Chester and her gf see the first occurrence of the Outbreak on campus; Chester gets too far ahead of her gf when they're fleeing and she has to watch her die. )

Dec. 4th, 2015


Mystic Falls

Did you guys see the massive Secret Santa post? I almost signed up for it but I think it'll mean more if we all did something together. What do you think?

Dec. 3rd, 2015


Christmas is coming! This is like, hands down, my very very favorite holiday of any holiday and I decorated my entire apartment and it looks amazing, thank you very much.

OMG could you imagine if we all did a secret santa? It would be the biggest secret santa ever, it would be so great, we should do it. Who wants to? I do. One vote for me.

Nov. 30th, 2015


Have you -- people on the network -- heard of this thing Netflix? It's amazing. I've been on it for like 8 hours straight, it's amazing.


Check your mailbox on a regular basis, self. Otherwise you're behind on the gift of early acceptance letters and covered tuition. Hey Monday, you suck a little less.

Nov. 23rd, 2015


(( posted at roughly 12:30 AM PST ))
You know it's been a boring night at work when you've started circling back to the same dog posts on buzzfeed.




[She sits down on her bed and she's chewing the corner of her lip nervously, looking out the window. She's obviously anxious, and it shows in her voice.]

Um... I don't know what's going on, [she clears her throat to try and even out her tone before turning her attention to the tablet] I got a strange message? And everybody here seems okay and I don't know if you're all really okay or if you've all been kidnapped. Or - if - if you've been kidnapped and you're all okay with being kidnapped but I don't belong here so it would be really nice if I could go home? Maybe? Please? I have work today and my boss is going to kill me.

My name is Patty Spivot, I'm an officer for the CCPD. I think I've been taken against my will. That's right buddy, [she's trying to sound menacing. She's really bad at it.] I'm a cop. You're in big trouble.

Oct. 16th, 2015


1. I am not a werewolf
1(a). Definitely not a Werewolf Queen.
2. I'm not a witch
3. I've never played either of these types of people
4. I've never hooked up with a vampire
5. I've never been pregnant with a hybrid anything
6. Next person who asks me about the Originals is getting sprayed down


Well that was not how I expected my day to go.

Anyone else suddenly very popular or just me?
AKA how much damage control am I going to have to do in the next few days?
Not enough coffee in the world for this -


Somebody just stopped me in the coffee shop and called me Holland.

1. Bitch do you not see that I have not had my coffee yet? I'm not in the mood right now.

2. Yes, I'll sign your coffee cup, but I'm signing it as 'I am not Holland'

3. Who the hell names their child Holland. Honestly.

Sep. 14th, 2015



Sep. 11th, 2015


I'm sick of this. It needs to stop, how can we have so many computer geniuses here and no one can make this stop?


This is my favorite thing. Just all of you are incredibly entertaining.

Sep. 10th, 2015


[Yeah, Allison is singing.]

Could you be dead?
You always were two steps ahead
Of everyone
We'd walk behind while you would run

I look up at your house
And I can almost hear you shout
Down to me
Where I always used to be

And I miss you -
Like the deserts miss the rain

Sep. 7th, 2015


...this place makes me miss Melissa so much, oh my God. I'm really not used to spending entire days with the baby, because of the juice b Quick question: what's the county fair? Is that like the Royal shows? Because if it is, Cleo, you don't get a choice and you're coming with us to the fair. But if it isn't, then what the hell is it? I can't believe I don't know this, yet, that's really awful...seven years in America and I'm still not a Stupid American, yet.

Right, also, I've found my juice bar from home and since my co-owner is clearly not here or is too busy being a grouchy Hale to speak up, I'm going to need some help, yeah? Anyone interested? Bit like a regular bar, except we don't serve alcohol; so substitute liquor for smoothies and WiFi.



I'm in a weirdly good mood today and I want to roll with that, so Hey, I don't know any of you and that's sort of the point, because I want to. This place can turn lonely really fast sometimes and I've been there and I don't like it, so let's see if we can remedy it a little?

Three Things:
  • My name is Lily and I think I might be holding the title of most alternate-family members in this place.
  • I like music, wine, and archery
  • I've decided my roommate and I need a puppy.

Tell me three things about you...and then for the fourth, give me a breed suggestion, because I need a puppy in my life, stat.

[ooc: *this filter is to anyone Lily has never talked to or who she's talked to once or twice but never really got to know.]

That was fun last night. We should do that again sometime.

We need a puppy. We're getting a puppy. That should happen sometime this week, imo.

You guys should come over today and we should have a cookout. I don't have classes today.But no squirrels or possums

Sep. 6th, 2015



[Rebekah, Vamp-Allison, Anna, Chester]
Guess who just got a job. Go ahead, guess.

Hey, how's it hanging?

Sep. 4th, 2015


I'd be flattered if it wasn't so creepy. Number seven has happened though. Full disclosure.

Derek and Lydia lost the older Mika. I've invited them over for some day this week, I'm just letting you know that they're bringing the little one.

Sep. 3rd, 2015



[OOC: Anyone who associates with the title, anyone who has a deal with the devil in their universe, possibly witches and vampires and other supernaturals if they associate with that label or have monster-complexes]
It's been like... an hour and there's no sign of the boss. So what's the deal, are we free here or what?