February 2016




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Sep. 20th, 2015



Remember my Cruella DeVil costume? I wonder how I'm going to dress this year.

Sep. 16th, 2015



So, how's your night going? Because mine has been insanely boring.

Sep. 11th, 2015


filter to Hunts cast and crew past and present - rerouted to EVERYONE

How are you guys doing in spite of the filter madness?
[Message not sent. Recalibrated for honesty.]

I can't stand this dry spell. I need someone in my bed tonight.
[Message Sent]

What?? NO. I didn't SAY that!
[Message deleted.]

Aug. 29th, 2015


co-workers minus Joey

Okay, I made Joey this really delicious looking bundt cake and it's taking all of my willpower not to cave and embrace carb Heaven.

Aug. 28th, 2015


I think American Ultra made me like Kristen Stewart.

Aug. 26th, 2015



I've lost it. I've lost my magical touch with guys. Ugh. I thought I'd hit thirty before guys starting turning me down.

Aug. 23rd, 2015



You want to grab late lunch and a drink tomorrow?

Aug. 22nd, 2015



Dancing was a lot of fun. We should do stuff more often!

Well, how's it going?

Aug. 21st, 2015



Hey. [She's been avoiding her all week, but she wants to brush this under the bridge. Maggie doesn't know about what happened with Adam and her, so she can't be bothered, right? Just this guilt kills her more than anything.] Want to come out with me? There's a dancing place in NYC I was planning on checking out. [Maybe a simple truce can help her get rid of this guilt]

Aug. 19th, 2015


Here you go, Joey!

Are you happy now? I did it, I am on the network! Will you quit bugging me?

Aug. 18th, 2015



How's it going? You doing okay?

Aug. 11th, 2015


Law Enforcement Types

Hey, I'm Mira. Back home I worked alongside the police kinda sometimes, helping track down fugitives and such and bringing them back to you guys. But I'm not at home anymore so I'm out of work, which I'd like to fix. Are you hiring?

[18+ (for people who like to have a good time)]
Who wants to explore weird dimension cities with me?

Aug. 10th, 2015


I need help. I can't do this anymore, I fuck everything up. Warren won't get it, not really, because I just...like I can't do this forever.

Aug. 8th, 2015


So I'm hoping that if I wish hard enough Little Bono, my dog, will show up. I will clean my room. I will eat all of my vegetables. Just please send me my dog, powers-that-be!


joined the puppy train )

Aug. 3rd, 2015



Hey, haven't heard from you in a while. How are you doing?

Aug. 1st, 2015



Did you see the video of Cass online? I feel bad, but on the other hand she has a really fantastic voice. I don't think I've ever heard her sing before.


As a former resident of southern southern New York, like out in the boonies, I feel this so hard. For those of you city folk, please believe...seriously fuck deer. So much. Fuck them so much. There's nothing majestic about deer. I feel so validated right now.

Jul. 29th, 2015


Welp, my "morning" started with swatting at what I thought was a fly and this happened. Because fuck bees. So, that sucked. But...the good news is, I'm going to see Inside Out today with my favorite tiny, so that's awesome. #balance.

So...hypothetically, if you were looking for a nearby area with a really good elementary school and a safe neighborhood, and price wasn't really an object...Beverly Hills, Marina del Rey, or Bel Air?

...I might be moving...and, by might, I mean that I am.


So, I found this and thought of Jules...and then proceeded to watch like twenty videos of X nationality taste testing Y nationality's food. I'm not even sorry I just spent over an hour doing this. What I've learned is that Australian women have the sexiest accents and I feel like that's a pretty good takeaway, in the end.

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