February 2016




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Jan. 3rd, 2016


I need this. For reasons. It's absolutely the droid I'm looking for.

Dec. 21st, 2015



[ooc: *versions of her friends from home that she's friendly with, her friends from here, and Barry's friends; yes, this includes coworkers]

So, we're finally moved in and decorated and I know it's late notice, but. Barry and I would like to have Christmas dinner at our new apartment in Greenwich Village. So that means you're all invited. And Caitlin, I'm sorry and I love you, but you're still cooking because Thanksgiving was incredible and I'm not even sorry. I'll help you, though, I promise.

Children and significant others allowed but we're not baby- or kid-proofed, so...you know, be mindful of that, I suppose? We don't know anything about all that...so...but yeah. Come. :)

And then Barry and I were thinking of just having a little Christmas between the four of us, if you guys are interested? I probably should've made Barry do this part, but

Nov. 27th, 2015


Why did no one tell me that this existed???

Two alternate you's. How are doing?

Nov. 26th, 2015


Uh, hey guys. Happy Thanksgiving. I showed up late last night so I kind of have an idea of what's going on, plus this isn't my first time showing up in a random city that I was not in five seconds ago. I probably know a lot of you guys or...versions of you guys from what my wife tells me, so I wanted to say hey. I'm here for a while, apparently.

Also I have yams that we apparently don't need since everyone already shopped for Thanksgiving...does anyone want some yams? Free to a good home!

So how many of you are around?

Nov. 12th, 2015


Beacon Hills + Friends

We should do Thanksgiving.

Oct. 23rd, 2015



Hello, my name is Kira Yukimura, and I'm a walking talking power generator.

Oct. 20th, 2015


So. Right. Because ash fog isn't creepy enough.

I keep thinking there's something else in my apartment. I thought I was just seeing things, letting my imagination get to me or something. But I swear my belt is never where I put it (Yes, I know, my belt is never where I think I put it) but I've been getting better at hanging all weapons up in one location.

And Dakota is freaking out every five minutes.

Sep. 14th, 2015


Allison and Chester

Let's have some fun tonight.

[Scott, Kira, Lydia and Malia]
Did you know there's a drink here for people like us?


Esmeralda; Redirected OTA

I'll be home late. James and I have some work to finish up. Love you, bye. [He tries to disconnect the feed but nothing happens. He and James get back to their dance party.]

Sep. 13th, 2015


WHO: Scott McCall & Kira Yukimura
WHERE: Kira's apartment, NYC
WHEN: After this
WHAT: Talking, sleepover after some pretty big news
RATING: Some mild suggestion, mostly just fluff
STATUS: Complete

If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see I'll be the light to guide youRead more... )

Sep. 7th, 2015


I'm calling for a girls movie night next weekend, if you're all free.

There's a party tonight at Stark Tower. Want to go?

Sep. 6th, 2015



I think I'm about 2 seconds from freaking out when I don't even know if I have the right/reason to be freaking out and why does this place like to mess with our lives so much.



[She's sitting on the bed in her Los Angeles apartment with a twenty-month old girl on her lap. Her expression is concentrated, because she was trying to read the bloody welcome letter, but as soon as she gets to the bottom, before she can go back to the top to re-read and make sure she didn't miss anything, the webcam turns on instead. She doesn't realize it's actually live broadcasting as well. The accent is clearly Aussie, although it's mellowed a bit with her time in America.]

Oh, fucking hell, not again.

[She gasps and covers her mouth immediately when she realizes that thought slipped out aloud and she drops her hand away to lean down to kiss the baby's head.]

Mummy didn't say that; you didn't hear that, did you, Burrito? No. [She smirks and laughs a little when the baby girl looks up from their reflections on the screen and covers Rikki's mouth the way her daddy sometimes playfully does when Mum slips up like that.]

I know, I'm so sorry, my love. That was bad. Mummy said bad, no-no words. Daddy'll have to yell at me later, yeah? Shall we go see if he's about? Hmm? [The little girl babbles out a bubbly series of Daddydaddydaddyyyys and Rikki is about to set the tablet down when it makes a sound and the screen changes. ...Christ, that was recording. And posting. Brilliant.]


Six Flags Action Spam! (Threads here)

[The sun is bright, the air is warm, the park is buzzing with life. The gang wanders Six Flags in pairs or in a group enjoying the carefree summer life, if only just for one more day.]

Sep. 5th, 2015



[If you think you fit, you probably do.]
What is everyone doing tomorrow?

Aug. 31st, 2015


Working at Stark Industries? Amazing idea. Going to school while working at Stark Industries? Not so much.

My head hurts and I need you to bring me something to make it better. Preferably something that contains a lot of chocolate. Or only chocolate.

Just bring me chocolate.

Can we get together and do something? Anything? So I can remind myself that I'm still capable of having a barely functioning social life?

((*OOC: If you think you might be, you are, just go for it.))

Aug. 27th, 2015


I'm a terrible dog owner. I missed National Dog Day yesterday. Bribed Snezhok with treats this morning to overlook my transgression. Happy belated National Dog Day fellow dog owners!

Aug. 21st, 2015


It's been a real rager of a Friday night.

Aug. 19th, 2015


One thing I've learned, walking on the street is dangerous. I tried to cross and people in cars driving past me cursed me out.

Aug. 18th, 2015


This whole 'can't drink' thing is starting to become a serious problem.

Are you okay?

I need your help, please, I don't know what to

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