February 2016




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Jan. 31st, 2016



Hey, do I need to stop for condoms after work or are we still good?

Jan. 12th, 2016



Cut the cost of college, right. Sure you will, Obama. Sure you will. Anybody up for a trip to Beacons tonight? I need to not be watching this State of the Union address right now.

How's the Alpha thing going for you so far...?

Dec. 29th, 2015


Everybody is fine.

The orphanage burned down. I'm okay. Everybody is okay.

If you guys could help out at the Tower that would be pretty great. I'm trying to control things remotely but it's not... really working. I know a lot of you are still in France, that's cool, but for those of you who aren't, I mean.


ADULTS. (16+)

The orphanage burned down, we're taking all of the kids to the Tower. Anybody who has any experience with children, if you have the time, come to the tower, we're going to need as much help as we can get. There's thirty something of them and their keeper usual care taker is out of commission, we can use all the help we can get.

Hey, happy wedding, have some kids, just in case you were thinking about adoption.

Dec. 20th, 2015


[ At 10:51pm PST/1:21am EST, the video described below the cut will play for all. ]

cut for length even though it's not that long la la la )

Dec. 17th, 2015


[This plays on all devices because I'm mean to Patty and it's funny. Please be pretending not from different show? I could have done something with her dead dad and I didn't. Remember that.]

Dec. 16th, 2015


[ At 8:52pm PST/11:52pm EST, the video below the cut will show to everyone over age sixteen. ]

cut for length )

( tl;dr: Chester having snuggle time with her gf; Chester and her gf see the first occurrence of the Outbreak on campus; Chester gets too far ahead of her gf when they're fleeing and she has to watch her die. )


[At 11pm EST/8pm PST THIS VIDEO will play for all to see.]

(TL;DR: Cori finds out about her brother being a werewolf, spies on him, draws him as a creepy werewolf, is comforted by him, has normal teenage moments kissing a boy VERY awkwardly, hanging with her niece and nephew, finally kisses a girl for the first time, and then is badgered into telling the family she's gay by her older brother and everyone laughs.)

Dec. 11th, 2015


So we got some more kids after all of them had gotten adopted and we recently brought them all to go Christmas shopping for each other with a set budget per kid.

They all bought me scarves.

I have over thirty scarves.

Why did they all get me scarves.


Nope. People do some seriously weird shit when they have too much time on their hands.


Aaaaand now I wait for my grades to come in. Finals for Fall 2015: complete.


We need to celebrate because I need something good right now. So...sorry Cori, but we're going to Beacons tonight.

They're gone. I went over to drop off some stuff I found of Miguel's that was laying around in my room and they're gone, all of them...

[ooc: *she means [info]theprettybeta, but either can see it because she's not been paying attention and didn't notice a new Isaac came to town :P]

Dec. 2nd, 2015


As an employer, yes. I can vouch for this. I'm willing to take the hit of a sixteen hour day here and there because I know that my employees would do the exact same thing for me if I needed or wanted it. And while I only have two employees right now (pssst, we're hiring if you can show valid legal identification showing you're eighteen or older), I've managed at least twenty over the past four years and every last one of them treated being at work like a privilege in spite of the fact that they're literally doing one of the most awkward things people can do to earn a paycheck. I'm pretty sure it's because I don't ride their asses every five minutes. I trust them to do their jobs and if they can do that, they're welcome to have fun and dick around during or afterward. And if they need vacation time because they don't feel well or their bff/significant other/family member got sent back or they just need a mental health break from the parade of pervs hiding in the smaller cross section of normal people we have for a customer base, then they should take it. Who the hell am I to dictate whether someone should be at work? I don't know how they're feeling or whether having them there any given day will help or hinder my business in respect to that. You treat your employees like people and they'll be there when you need them. Always.

So hey retail hell, especially during the holidays? Take a page out of Adult World and Netflix's books (side note: Netflix has some of the best customer service out there and I like to think that we do, too. Probably not a coincidence). Your attrition rates will plummet, trust me, and it'll be worth it.

Just had to get that out of my system because I was legit in the middle of reading that article when a couple of college kids were perusing in here and bitching about having to miss Christmas with their families because they couldn't get the time off work and that really pissed me off for them. Anyway, sorry, carry on.

Dec. 1st, 2015


Wine + Puppy cuddles = Cuddly!Cori

Though, gotta say a human-shaped ladyperson would be a much better cuddle partner. Totes accepting apps of the non!Lily and non!canine variety any time, for the record. My cuddling game is on fire, for the record, could totes be a professional.

And yes, I am that kind of dork who is going to boast about cuddling skills on the network while she's bored, apparently. Juuuuudge away peeps, judge away.

Nov. 30th, 2015


So all of the kids save a few have been adopted as of Thanksgiving. The paperwork had all mysteriously been 'pushed through' and now I don't know what to do with myself. My kids are gone. I mean, I'm thrilled, but Can someone remind me what teenagers do these days?

I'm thinking of going out to get a coffee, do you want to come? It feels like a hot chocolate day, huh?

Nov. 27th, 2015



(Cori, Lily, Malcolm, Lisa, Sarah)
[He came home with 5 identical large gift boxes. They're each ranging from 10-15 pounds]

Nobody shake the boxes. There's stuff in it that'll break.

Nov. 23rd, 2015



Lost Holiday spirit. Thanksgiving and Christmas spirit both applicable. If found return to me.

Or y'know someone just tell me where the hell it went. Normally I'm all about the turkey day and the holiday times.

All halp accepted.

Nov. 19th, 2015


It was a slow day.

[OOC: Please be pretending that it's Isaac's voice and there's no snow, k thanks.]

Nov. 14th, 2015


Drinking out of the bottle=/=classy...or tasty. And it doesn't make for good sketching fuel when it's not as tasty....booo.

And yet I am still tempted to do it. Along with eating nutella out of the jar....but it IS nutella! And to top it all off in my PJs. How did I hit old fart status so early in my life?

Who is doing what tomorrow and can I join you? Or does anybody want to do something with me? I am taking volunteers starting NOW, so go. Before i start picking random people and volunteering them like a craaaazy!

Oct. 21st, 2015



Oct. 16th, 2015


Things I need right now:
  1. A pumpkin spice latte, thanks Caroline. :\
  2. Hershey snuggles
  3. So much wine
  4. For this semester to be over.
  5. My freaking family

And this concludes an announcement no one needed or should actually care about. :P

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