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Dec. 28th, 2015


Chester, Best!Stiles, Omari, Gen

Do you guys want to go grab a beer or something? I've got post-Christmas boredom.

Dec. 22nd, 2015


At 11:45 EST this video will play on all devices )

Dec. 18th, 2015


Just thought you guys could use a little reprieve from all of this craziness.

She's obviously got her priorities in order.

Dec. 16th, 2015


[ At 8:52pm PST/11:52pm EST, the video below the cut will show to everyone over age sixteen. ]

cut for length )

( tl;dr: Chester having snuggle time with her gf; Chester and her gf see the first occurrence of the Outbreak on campus; Chester gets too far ahead of her gf when they're fleeing and she has to watch her die. )


At 3:30pm this video will play for all to see.

Nov. 23rd, 2015


(( posted at roughly 12:30 AM PST ))
You know it's been a boring night at work when you've started circling back to the same dog posts on buzzfeed.




[She sits down on her bed and she's chewing the corner of her lip nervously, looking out the window. She's obviously anxious, and it shows in her voice.]

Um... I don't know what's going on, [she clears her throat to try and even out her tone before turning her attention to the tablet] I got a strange message? And everybody here seems okay and I don't know if you're all really okay or if you've all been kidnapped. Or - if - if you've been kidnapped and you're all okay with being kidnapped but I don't belong here so it would be really nice if I could go home? Maybe? Please? I have work today and my boss is going to kill me.

My name is Patty Spivot, I'm an officer for the CCPD. I think I've been taken against my will. That's right buddy, [she's trying to sound menacing. She's really bad at it.] I'm a cop. You're in big trouble.

Nov. 20th, 2015



I saw something today and couldn't help myself


What are you doing tomorrow night?

Chester and Allison

Nov. 18th, 2015


The awkward moment when you turn the wrong corner on the internet and wind up finding out spoilers for the tv show you're from and find out that tv you has been magically implanted with your history teacher's babies. This is totally karma from the universe for that brief period in time when I unapologetically liked Twilight, isn't it.

Nov. 17th, 2015


Chester & Best!Stiles

I'm about to go into a Crate & Barrel. Give me something better to do.

Nov. 14th, 2015



How alive do you prefer your prey to be?

[Roomie Lydia]
Does seeing copies of yourself irritate you as much as me seeing mine irritates me?

DTF? Nah, that's sleez
What are you doing tonight around 3? Nope still sleezy

Nov. 13th, 2015


I thought being kidnapped by magic and thrown into an alternate dimension would be fun. This is so boring.

I told the barista at Starbucks to put gravy on my caramel macchiato in the spirit of Thanksgiving and he almost did. I thought Pawnee was bad with fatty junk like that.

Nov. 11th, 2015


Déjà vu.

Sep. 17th, 2015



cut for content; vampirey icky stuffs )


I think that the whole communication breakdown just might be over with seeing as it's slowed down, so I'm just going to go for this. No shame.

Hi out there to people I haven't talked to yet or anything, I'm Mel, that was me in the exploding bowl of batter video here not that long ago. Are there any business owners (cafes, restaurants, etc) who need a pastry chef or would be interested in partnering to sell various baked goods (muffins, pies, cakes, cupcakes, turnovers, croissants, etc)? Back home I co-own a cafe, but it hasn't shown up here, so a girl's got to make some money.

Are you free later today? And would you be interested in helping me out with something?


Sep. 14th, 2015


Allison and Chester

Let's have some fun tonight.

[Scott, Kira, Lydia and Malia]
Did you know there's a drink here for people like us?

Sep. 12th, 2015


Binge watching Netflix with Pops, bitches #liveoutloud #livestreameverything #onetreehill

[Complimentary Message Sent on Your Behalf. You're Welcome.]

Sep. 11th, 2015


[The video begins and Mel is standing in front of the counter with ingredients placed on the counter...messily. She is holding a mixing bowl with her left hand against the left side of her body while she stirs the batter in the bowl with her right, soft music playing in the background from the phone.

She moves over to the fridge to get the milk out, one-handed, getting the cap off and then pouring some and then leaving it out on the counter as she continues to stir and move....which is exactly what causes her to stumble. The bowl goes flying out of her hands and she spits out a, "Fuck!" As she throws her hands out. the intention is to freeze the bowl, but instead....she blows the damn thing up.

Bits of batter, bowl, and even milk (along with milk jug) go flying every where. Most notably batter splatters on her face. She stands there pouting.

The video ends.]


This is my favorite thing. Just all of you are incredibly entertaining.


I've killed over 30 people in my lifetime and I'm not done yet.

[Complimentary Message Sent On Your Behalf. You're Welcome.]

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