February 2016




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Jan. 9th, 2016


I feel like the world needs to meet my kid. He was Jack's idea, but I love him to pieces. Best idea Jack's ever had, I think, even though he's had some great ones.

Dec. 19th, 2015


At 5:36 this video will play on all devices )


At 5:30 EST this video will play on all devices )

Dec. 17th, 2015


[At 10:36am EST this video will be released.]

Dec. 15th, 2015


[At 4:30am EST this video will be released.]



Okay, handsome, I think I've found you the perfect present but just in case... What's on your Christmas list? Be honest.

Nov. 17th, 2015



I can't believe it's going to be our first Thanksgiving together. I'm getting a little emotional.

Oct. 11th, 2015



Couples Halloween costumes - Cute or cheesy?

Sep. 30th, 2015


The neighbors have moved out of their loft...so we are throwing a party in the empty apartment tonight! Drinks and food for all, still no drinking the hard stuff for those under 21. Soda and stuff will be available though.

Filter to Blue
Up for DJing the shingdig?

Sep. 22nd, 2015


Filter to Friends and the Missus

Getting off work early tonight and was thinking about doing some grilling or something. Will have cold drinks, some fucking tasty eats, and you are welcome to roll out tonight.

Filter to Liv
I'll grab a large bag of the curly fries from the grocery store too and toss a tray of em into the oven for you too, if you want babe. ;)

Sep. 19th, 2015


Let me tell you something, nothing stops creeps at a bar from hitting on you like a wedding ring. I've only met one exception. Real winner. Who hits on married women, anyway?

Sep. 18th, 2015


I need culture. What's the best gallery in New York City?

Sep. 14th, 2015



Hey, baby, I'm at the farmer's market getting stuff for a bath. Sometime tonight we're getting clean together. Even better than getting dirty. I promise.

Sep. 5th, 2015


It's weird being back at work after having taken off for the last little while. Got married, did some cool road tripping, crashed a few B&B's, and even camped out under the stars...but now I'm pouring shots and working the bar again. Is it always this weird feeling, like your missing an arm or something when you aren't around your better half?

Damn, my brothers would kick my fucking ass if they knew I was going soft...

Anyways...drinks are cheap and stuff, so come get shit faced. Still got to be 21 to ride the ride, so sorry kiddies but ya can't come in.

Sep. 2nd, 2015


Amazingly, married life isn't much different from dating life.

Aug. 31st, 2015


Filtered to friends of Jack and/or Liv (but not Liv herself! XD)

So...sort of got married to Liv, which is fucking like the best thing ever...but it all happened so fast and shit that we didn't have time and stuff to let you all know. Figure if ya got to be mad then you should take it out on me and not her.

If ya aren't mad then you should swing by for a party or something. Got no clue what I should do but she deserves at least a nice party with her friends and stuff so...uh, yep. Going to give her that.

Ha! Considered making it BYOB(bring your own beer/bud) but think I can talk big Mike into letting us use the bar for a night or something. So if your game just let me know.

Aug. 25th, 2015


On the road with my man. It doesn't get better than this.

Aug. 18th, 2015



Hey! Feel like some late night diner food?

Aug. 16th, 2015


Got to admit, it's a bit weird walking around the city and not seeing a single bloody vampire. Nice, but weird.

Aug. 14th, 2015


The drinks are flowing, music is pumping, and the crowd is fucking rocking tonight. Get down here if you can, but once again you gotta be twenty-one to get in.

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