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Sep. 14th, 2015


Esmeralda; Redirected OTA

I'll be home late. James and I have some work to finish up. Love you, bye. [He tries to disconnect the feed but nothing happens. He and James get back to their dance party.]

Sep. 11th, 2015


James (Spam)

[The past few days have been more tense than ever in their home, mostly because she's still trying to decipher how much James said over the tablet was true and how much was the tablet speaking for itself. She knows that her own tablet malfunctioned a great deal during their conversation and said some things she would've out of anger, but weren't one hundred percent true. She doesn't hate everything about James. Only his personality and many of his behaviors.

She leaves a note on his car windshield asking if they can sit down and have a talk after he gets back from work.]

Sep. 9th, 2015



I'll be home late.

[Error: Recalibrated for comprehensiveness]

I'm sleeping with my secretary after work, don't wait up.

Sep. 6th, 2015



Hey, handsome. Is it too late at night to meet up for drinks somewhere?

[Attached is a picture of Henley in a low cut top doing her best puppy eyes face.]



I know it's a month away but Esmeralda won't stop talking about hers and -- I'm thinking that instead of surprising each other with presents for our anniversary, we can just do something together. What if we both choose something we want to do and we just do it?


I think Esmeralda's having an affair.

Hey, sorry I missed church. I'm swamped.

How would you like a raise?

Sep. 2nd, 2015



I think the boys are trying to start up poker nights again. I was thinking we can put the bookclub back in action too. We should try to stick together here, after all

I saw an ad while I was out walking with Prescott and Matilda. I want to take cooking classes.

[Married women and mothers]
I'm starting a bookclub on Friday nights, is anyone interested?

Aug. 20th, 2015


Hey, Stark! Here's a reason to celebrate. August 26th is Women's Equality Day. Throw a party, raise money, make donations to the Association for Women in Science or another organization. Make it happen.

Aug. 17th, 2015


[These flowers are delivered to Henley's studio on top of a box of earrings with a note that says
"Happy Monday

Also, these flowers are delivered to Amelia on top of a jewelry box with a note that says
"Dinner tonight?"]

Aug. 13th, 2015



Did you see that guy who looks like Con that guy's post about the adoption center? We have so much room, we can take in a child.

Aug. 11th, 2015


Spam from James

[Everything that never bothered her before, everything that she'd ignored and become numb to is bothering her now. Maybe it was the sneaking around on the gaming network and getting away with it or talking privately to people that she wasn't supposed to, or maybe it was that her friend punched him in the face and she ran off to a strip club and when he'd seen her again he'd kissed her. Whatever it is, it's sparking something within her that she didn't even know she had. When Eddy hung up on her earlier, it bothered her. It's not the action, it's what he said. She spent all day brooding about it, fitting pieces together to a puzzle that was never really that puzzling for anyone who really looked at it.

She smiles and intercepts the servant taking coffee to James's study and brings it in herself. She's holding her breath as she walks over and places the tray carefully down next to his work. The moment her hands are free, she folds them in front of her and looks at her husband, willing herself to find the voice to tell him what's on her mind.]

Aug. 8th, 2015


comment spam for James & Amelia )

Aug. 7th, 2015


Spam for Amelia

[Forward-dated to 6am the next morning. They surprisingly had a nice time at dinner. Maybe it was the fact that she was so clearly looking to pick a fight with him, but he feels like the night he spent with his wife last night was the best one he's had with her yet. He sits up in the bed and looks over at his sleeping wife next to him. When her eyes flicker open, he smiles a little at her]

Good morning, baby. I'm not going in today. Let's do something. [His mind jumps to the carnival just out of town. He was planning on taking Henley, but this might be fun.]

Aug. 6th, 2015



Hey, what time are you getting home tonight?

Aug. 2nd, 2015


Next Friday I'll be doing another show in Los Angeles. It'll be great and it's only $25 a head, $10 for kids twelve and under, but the show can get a little scary at times so I don't suggest any really little ones come. The performance space is at [address]. I'll be doing a couple amazing escapes and lots of more traditional stage magic.

Can I count on you to come to my show? Assuming I survive all of my tricks, we can celebrate afterwards.

Jul. 24th, 2015



[His argument with Amelia got him all hot and bothered, but she's clearly not in the mood, so his girlfriend will have to do]
Hey there, beautiful. Do you want to get lunch with me?


Not on babysitting duty today, just finished the final prototype of these contacts to send Tony's way when he gets back, mission ends today at some point, pretty sure, so Today is a good day. TGIF bitches.

Jul. 22nd, 2015



My friend Daisy and

This was one crazy week, huh?

He said yes!

Jul. 14th, 2015


Anyone else wake up next to a self absorbed, narcissistic, asshole stranger this morning or just me? Please don't be just me.

Jul. 11th, 2015



Hey, are you still up for that drink?

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