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Dec. 24th, 2015


people without family who don't want to be alone

Who wants to have a little Christmas Eve fun tonight?

Dec. 20th, 2015


[At 8:15 this video will play on all devices followed by this video. ]

[ooc: Have my Strain OTP, guys. :) ]

Dec. 3rd, 2015


So, what's everyone's Christmas jam? Mine's got to be this one.


Christmas is coming! This is like, hands down, my very very favorite holiday of any holiday and I decorated my entire apartment and it looks amazing, thank you very much.

OMG could you imagine if we all did a secret santa? It would be the biggest secret santa ever, it would be so great, we should do it. Who wants to? I do. One vote for me.

Nov. 29th, 2015


Dear Denny's,

I kinda didn't want to start my day with dry pancakes and hashbrowns that I was apparently supposed to eat with my hands. Why the frick wouldn't you give me syrup, ketchup, or plastic silverware on a takeout order? Boo. On the plus side, I found most of what I needed in the communal fridge at work, but still. Boooo.

No love,


So, who wants to go see The Cure with me in June? I did a favor for a guy and he paid in concert tickets. The show will be at Madison Square Garden the 20th. I'm told the seats are good. First person to comment gets to go.

...Please? I don't want to be the girl who goes to goth concerts by herself.

Nov. 27th, 2015


Magic gifts are par for the course here, now? I like it.

Nov. 20th, 2015


Hey, want to do some good this holiday season? Donate toys.

Don't know how to do your part to make the world a better place? Donate toys.

Have some old stuff lying around that your kid grew out of? Donate toys.

Have no reason to donate toys? Don't be a dick. Donate toys.

Hey. You alright?

Nov. 17th, 2015


So I'm about to test this prototype that I've been working on for the past month or so and there's a 50% chance that it's going to literally explode.

Unrelated, if my eyebrows are burned off tomorrow, is anyone willing to show me how to draw those back on?

I'm dying here, please tell me some of you are still around.

When I test this thing labs 2A and 4A should probably be evacuated just in case, so if you're working in one of those either move or tell me when you aren't going to be around so I can do this safely.


Alright, so I don't have anywhere to go for Th
This Thanksgiving I'm finding myself somewhat alo

Any soup kitchens or anything need volunteers for Thanksgiving? Any info is appreciated.

Sep. 30th, 2015


The neighbors have moved out of their loft...so we are throwing a party in the empty apartment tonight! Drinks and food for all, still no drinking the hard stuff for those under 21. Soda and stuff will be available though.

Filter to Blue
Up for DJing the shingdig?

Sep. 22nd, 2015


Filter to Friends and the Missus

Getting off work early tonight and was thinking about doing some grilling or something. Will have cold drinks, some fucking tasty eats, and you are welcome to roll out tonight.

Filter to Liv
I'll grab a large bag of the curly fries from the grocery store too and toss a tray of em into the oven for you too, if you want babe. ;)

Sep. 19th, 2015


Right. Well this is unexpected.

Sep. 18th, 2015


I need culture. What's the best gallery in New York City?

Sep. 14th, 2015


Leave it to this goddamn place to fuck with your head...

Sep. 11th, 2015



That's it, besticle, I give up. Take me to a porn store and go get me one of those stupid things to keep me busy until I can get home. I give up on guys, this is too hard.

Sep. 3rd, 2015


Right, can we stop with the musical realities, please? Hot water, check. No walkers, check. This is my final stop, Powers that Be. Stop sending me back to that fucking apocalyptic hellhole and just leave me wherever this is, this time.

Aug. 31st, 2015


Working at Stark Industries? Amazing idea. Going to school while working at Stark Industries? Not so much.

My head hurts and I need you to bring me something to make it better. Preferably something that contains a lot of chocolate. Or only chocolate.

Just bring me chocolate.

Can we get together and do something? Anything? So I can remind myself that I'm still capable of having a barely functioning social life?

((*OOC: If you think you might be, you are, just go for it.))


Filtered to friends of Jack and/or Liv (but not Liv herself! XD)

So...sort of got married to Liv, which is fucking like the best thing ever...but it all happened so fast and shit that we didn't have time and stuff to let you all know. Figure if ya got to be mad then you should take it out on me and not her.

If ya aren't mad then you should swing by for a party or something. Got no clue what I should do but she deserves at least a nice party with her friends and stuff so...uh, yep. Going to give her that.

Ha! Considered making it BYOB(bring your own beer/bud) but think I can talk big Mike into letting us use the bar for a night or something. So if your game just let me know.

Aug. 29th, 2015


Seriously?! Son of a bitch! I can't even decide if it's better or worse to actually be in my dad's apartment when this happens, really Powers That Be? You couldn't just wait until I went back home for the night? You couldn't just send me with him? No? Cool, yeah, let's send Lil's Dad home while she's in the bathroom and he's doing dishes from dinner and just to add insult to injury, let's leave the faucet running in the kitchen just to really drive home just how completely random it is and how little power we have in it. I HATE this place
You know what? No. I don't need
I'm not going t
I'll save it for Cori, forget it, most of you people don't know or even like me, so

Cori. Wine. SO MUCH WINE.

Also come pick me up, because I really shouldn't be driving right now. I can't even

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