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Dec. 22nd, 2015



[ Posted is a photo of Lucas and Cara sitting with Santa. Lucas is screaming his poor little head off and Cara is posing like a pro with the biggest smile ever. ]

Well, one out of two isn't bad.

Dec. 15th, 2015


[ At 8:53pm EST, this video will play. ]

Nov. 21st, 2015


If anybody has ever loved me they'll know how important it is to get me all of the things.

How are you doing with the whole crazy people's offspring thing?

Nov. 19th, 2015



[Anyone who considers themselves a Hale or Argent]
My name is Allison Argent. My father is Peter Hale and my mother is Kate Argent. I am a hunter and a werecat. I live by the new code:
Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux-mêmes.

Nov. 17th, 2015


Can I get some feedback, fellow-displaced?

I'm trying to get my band to play this one but they want to hear me do it and so it kind of needs to be fucking amazing.

[He switches to video mode to live stream of this video that we're going to pretend is him and doesn't have an echo on the vocals or that obnoxious mic in the middle of the screen. When he finishes, he just stays in video mode.]

Be honest. Be brutal, I can take it.

Nov. 12th, 2015


Hey you. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come and spend Thanksgiving with us or if you think you'll be spending it with Derek? You know that you're more than welcome to be here but I would understand if you weren't comfortable, I just wanted to reach out to you seperately.

I already know my answer but I'm not going to be an asshole so I'm just letting you guys know that we're having Thanksgiving here. Scott is coming so Kira will probably be there as well, you're both more than welcome to come if you don't have other plans. You can bring whoever you'd like. Although I know Derek isn't going to come here so I don't know why I'm even
Bigger person, Lydia.

So we're

Hey... we're having Thanksgiving here and Scott is apparently coming over. I just wanted you to know that you're more than welcome to come if you'd like. If you want to bring someone that's okay too, you just need to let me know in advance so I can have enough food.

We're having Thanksgiving here so if you have nowhere to go you now have a place! Let me know ♥

Nov. 2nd, 2015


FRIENDS AND FRIENDS OF ALPHA STILES MINUS MALIA (so she doesn't have to go through the sad conversation twice)
This Stiles is gone too. his room is empty. He disappeared some time in the middle of the night. I just thought that you would all want to know.

Oct. 20th, 2015


Is everybody alright? I'm seeing things and I know it's not just me, I can smell it.

This is an emergency, I want us all in constant contact with each other. If you don't answer me I'm going to show up at your door and drag you to my house, where you'll stay until this blows over. Something passed by my window in the fog and I don't know what it was, but it didn't smell good. Rotting flesh

Sep. 25th, 2015


Somebody needs to bring me a Monster. Or a Rockstar, or a Redbull, I don't care. I'll love you forever.

We're apparently getting bigger so we're going to have to start partnering up at training sessions. I'm not afraid that any of you are going to seriously damage anything but my place is getting too small, how does everyone feel about using a gym at the Avengers Tower? We'll probably be upping our training times to twice a week, but I want to make sure that works for everybody.

He doesn't hate you. I think he has a right to know details if he asks for them, but I've only told him what I know. The rest is between the two of you.

But he doesn't hate you.

How are you feeling? Do you need anything?

I'm going to need to go for a run tonight, you up for it?

Sep. 17th, 2015


I made these to wear to every work party and nobody can tell me no.

Also, I'm determined to make it to the beach at least one more time before the cold weather comes so whoever is down for it, let me know.

So I woke up and had a pack, how's your week going?

If you guys don't come to the beach with me that's totally okay. I'll heal my broken heart all on my own.

[*OOC: 1, Pretend the website isn't on the picture but I don't want to remove to properly credit the proper artist and 2. Including Erica.]

Sep. 16th, 2015


Whoa! Wasn't expecting that.



I just found a guy in the back of the shop with a dirty magazine looking really confused. He seemed super upset when he found out that we don't have 'private rooms'.

Dude, go do that at home, seriously. No one here wants to clean that up and we know that you sure as hell won't.

I hate this job. I seriously love this job but sometimes I hate this job.

Sep. 15th, 2015



[Just...pretend that this video is of Ben, and pretend that there's no echo and there's no mic or extra equipment laying around in the background, just him sitting on the couch in his apartment, playing. Only, his playing is interrupted abruptly at the 3:00 mark, when there's a knock on the door and he puts down the guitar, calling out, "one sec!" The video feed drops out after he moves out of the frame and you can hear him conversing with the pizza guy on the other side of the door.]

Sep. 14th, 2015


...balls. I had a gig tonight, you know.