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Dec. 28th, 2015


I'm so ready.

I've been waiting for this night my entire life. Dreams really do come true.

Dec. 21st, 2015


ooc: Got Jen's permission here for the Rikki parts. Not totally mad with power. YET.

At 9:05 pm est the following plays on all devices )

Dec. 20th, 2015


At 11:30 this video will play for all to see.

Dec. 19th, 2015


At 6:00 EST this video will play on all devices )


[ At 8:23am PST/11:23am EST, this video will play for all. ]

Dec. 15th, 2015


ooc: let's make this creepy dudes night at multifarious...at 9:40pm EST the following video plays on all TVs )

TL;DR(because this is copy/pasted from a psl where we went in-depth for videos so longer than brief, way longer than brief) basically the Matt stuff that happens to Allison on the show, happens to Scout at the party and police station, with adjustments for timeline differences and what would actually hurt a werewolf as opposed to a human. Matt's a creep, boooo Matt.


Voice Posted to everyone

Okay, so I think it is pretty safe to say that I'm stuck here. Well, we're all stuck here, and it's NOT for the U.N. which is a total bummer. But that being said I think it's time to get organized and find a job. I haven't not worked in a long time. This could be the longest, and I've already made way too many binders - wait, what am I saying?! There's no such thing as too many binders. I need to hit the office supply place soon - I ran out of colored tabs.

But plans - here's what I want to do:

1) Find a job preferably in government.
2) Totally rock at the job.
3) Get promoted in job.
4) Visit the U.N.
5) Move in with Ann.
6) Get a job at the U.N.
7) Get promoted in said job at the U.N.
8) Visit iHop again. Stiles? Caroline? Care to join?
9) Help with Andy's Christmas party idea.
10) Bake for said Christmas party.
11) Reach out to the Mayor and ask if he knows about random people being transported here.
12) Find a way to work with the Mayor, if possible.
13) Catch a Broadway show.
14) Visit the U.N. again because it's the U.N.

So I would prefer those to be in order, but I understand if that's not possible because of how things work, or don't work here. Seriously, who's in charge of stuff because I can help with getting them straight.

Dec. 4th, 2015


Awesome things I've done in the last twenty-four hours:
  1. Slept more than four hours.
  2. Finished my Christmas shopping, minus Secret Santa, which I guess I'm doing?
  3. Bought Leslie Knope and Ann Perkins breakfast in the middle of the night.
  4. ...wait for it, here's the best: applied for the Fall 2016 semester at NYU for Criminal Justice.

Cross your fingers for me on that last one. All in all, I'd say it was a pretty productive span of time, no?

[ooc: JJ & Nina, I'm going off the Stiles/Leslie convo set from last night, I hope that's okaaaay, let me know if it isn't.]

Dec. 3rd, 2015


[Video Post]

Um... so I have no idea why I'm in New York, but I'm betting it's something super awesome! Am I being inducted as an honorary United Nations ambassador because I can totally see that. I mean, the Harvest Festival was a success and why wouldn't they want me to help with the world! Plus, I was in model U.N. in high school. They must have heard about how awesome I was at that as well.

This is so exciting! I mean, waking up in a hotel in New York is unexpected because it's kind of like I was abducted but not really because it's the United Nations so it's for the good of mankind, and no one's going to press charges against the United Nations, [half-whisper] I really don't think you can... [speaks normally] Anyway!

Totally excited to be here! The note said I should say hello. Is this a private, United Nations network? If so, Gutentaag! Bonjour! Hamjambo! And hello, of course!

Oh! I'm Leslie Knope. It's nice to meet you all, fellow ambassadors.

Nov. 29th, 2015


Haha, we're a Dubsmash. Beat that, Caroline.

[attached: a Dubsmash with this audio wherein Stiles is doing something pretty similar to the girl in the video and Camden (taking up Isaac's usual helper status with the damn Dubsmash wars) is standing over him being the "dad" in the video. Stiles is dressed; Camden's in a pair of jeans, at least, because he gotta be kinda dressed in the Dubsmash, dude, even though they're both at work (the background is the break room, but it's empty, so no random nudey dudes walking around but people who've seen his Dubsmashes should recognize the space.]

Nov. 28th, 2015



[The two Stileses he talks to, the Derek he talks to, Scotts, Isaac, Barry, Alpha Lydia, Harley, SO, and Scout.]

Did you guys get anything special for Thanksgiving because I got a deed to a place in the French Alps. I'm thinking we can surprise the girls and take them up there for the holidays. Check this place out.

Cut for pictures )

Nov. 26th, 2015


Uh, hey guys. Happy Thanksgiving. I showed up late last night so I kind of have an idea of what's going on, plus this isn't my first time showing up in a random city that I was not in five seconds ago. I probably know a lot of you guys or...versions of you guys from what my wife tells me, so I wanted to say hey. I'm here for a while, apparently.

Also I have yams that we apparently don't need since everyone already shopped for Thanksgiving...does anyone want some yams? Free to a good home!

So how many of you are around?

Nov. 23rd, 2015



Hey, are you doing Thanksgiving at the shelter?



Hey, are you going Black Friday shopping?

[Stiles + Scott]
[Wired Stiles]
You guys wanna hang out later?

[Stiles + Lydia]
[OverAndIn + SelfIgniting]
I was thinking of getting a cat, is it going to hate you guys on principal? Or...

Nov. 21st, 2015



Bam. One less thing for Lydia to worry about when she comes home.

image below )

Nov. 18th, 2015


The awkward moment when you turn the wrong corner on the internet and wind up finding out spoilers for the tv show you're from and find out that tv you has been magically implanted with your history teacher's babies. This is totally karma from the universe for that brief period in time when I unapologetically liked Twilight, isn't it.

Nov. 17th, 2015


[Video post]


[Ann's now peering curiously at her device, nose slightly wrinkled, trying and failing to look a lot less concerned than she clearly is – after all she read that letter.]

This has got to be one of those things where they film you reacting to some weird, crazy scenario- practical joke type thing, right?

[There's a small stutter of an awkward laugh. She pauses, looking gradually more worried.]

Kidnapping people completely unaware seems kinda extreme even for reality television.


So I'm about to test this prototype that I've been working on for the past month or so and there's a 50% chance that it's going to literally explode.

Unrelated, if my eyebrows are burned off tomorrow, is anyone willing to show me how to draw those back on?

I'm dying here, please tell me some of you are still around.

When I test this thing labs 2A and 4A should probably be evacuated just in case, so if you're working in one of those either move or tell me when you aren't going to be around so I can do this safely.

Nov. 16th, 2015


I'm afraid I'll never understand the hype surrounding American Thanksgiving.


[He posts it at like, 1AM. No shame.]

This song is my new jam, I'm not even a little sorry.


Quick question: how many of my favorite shows and movies am I going to have to stop watching/re-watching before this place decides to slow its roll? It's just...like, seriously, I'm looking on Netflix and I'm like "can't watch that, can't watch that, probably shouldn't watch that, used to watch that but had to stop watching that."

It's been one of those kinds of days.

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