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Dec. 22nd, 2015


[At 2:53pm PST/5:53pm EST, this video will play for all. Pretend the caption says Caitlin rather than Sophie.]

Dec. 3rd, 2015


So, what's everyone's Christmas jam? Mine's got to be this one.


Christmas is coming! This is like, hands down, my very very favorite holiday of any holiday and I decorated my entire apartment and it looks amazing, thank you very much.

OMG could you imagine if we all did a secret santa? It would be the biggest secret santa ever, it would be so great, we should do it. Who wants to? I do. One vote for me.

Dec. 1st, 2015


I just found a really great health food place in Brooklyn Heights - all kinds of interesting, organic, fresh groceries. They even have Agave syrup smoothies. Chris would go crazy. I miss- Stop. Uh, even if you're not into that sort of stuff they have a heap of amazing smelling essential oils.

Anyway. So, how many of you guys found work in NYC after you woke up here? I think I'm going to spend everything I have on candles go a little stir crazy if I don't have something to keep me busy.


Uh, hi guys. How are ..things there?

Nov. 29th, 2015


Dear Denny's,

I kinda didn't want to start my day with dry pancakes and hashbrowns that I was apparently supposed to eat with my hands. Why the frick wouldn't you give me syrup, ketchup, or plastic silverware on a takeout order? Boo. On the plus side, I found most of what I needed in the communal fridge at work, but still. Boooo.

No love,

Nov. 24th, 2015


Charismatic and optimistic ginger seeks interdimensional bff. Requirements: must be sociable and enjoy going out; must be willing to flail excitably at especially good sales on boots in public unashamedly and/or not judge or be heinously embarrassed when I do it. Coffee addiction and appreciation for live theater preferred but not mandatory. Male or female. Any age that's too creepy for me to chill with or grumpy gusses need not apply (although, the latter is welcome to inquire about gaining some of my cheer by proxy). All interested parties should contact Caitlin Murphy (meeeee!) directly and we should immediately go hang out because I'm so so bored, help.

Nov. 21st, 2015


Some girl showed up in front of the home with flowers and her phone number. I think I'm going to avoid news broadcasts for a while.

How are you settling in? Did you like helping with the kids today?




Thanks for helping today. The kids really liked you.

Nov. 18th, 2015


The awkward moment when you turn the wrong corner on the internet and wind up finding out spoilers for the tv show you're from and find out that tv you has been magically implanted with your history teacher's babies. This is totally karma from the universe for that brief period in time when I unapologetically liked Twilight, isn't it.

Nov. 17th, 2015


On a scale of 1 to 10 how acceptable is it for me to go to a club with Sharpie flowers on my arms?

I swear the shit doesn't come off.


I'd like to stop by and see Cara tomorrow, if that's alright?

Nov. 16th, 2015


[He posts it at like, 1AM. No shame.]

This song is my new jam, I'm not even a little sorry.

Nov. 14th, 2015


I'm getting our doorbell removed.

Finally going for that NoBell prize.

Nov. 12th, 2015


All the Black Friday emails from my favorite stores are starting to roll in. Is it bad I'm more excited for that than Thanksgiving.

Uhm. So. Have you seen some of the donations coming in since our Avenger cheerleaders name dropped us a few times on television? I'm a little floored, not gonna lie.

When's your next day off?

Nov. 11th, 2015


Nov. 9th, 2015


I just spent my whole day so far watching a handful of rom coms because I still don't have a job and why not? ...and then I found this and suddenly I feel kind of crappy about the way I spent my day. Boo.

Oct. 31st, 2015


...what the frick?