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Aug. 30th, 2015



I feel like I never really talked to Joey that much on set really, but I'm going to miss her :/

Aug. 28th, 2015



You doing anything later?

How's sobriety going?

Aug. 22nd, 2015



Dancing was a lot of fun. We should do stuff more often!

Well, how's it going?

Aug. 21st, 2015



Hey. [She's been avoiding her all week, but she wants to brush this under the bridge. Maggie doesn't know about what happened with Adam and her, so she can't be bothered, right? Just this guilt kills her more than anything.] Want to come out with me? There's a dancing place in NYC I was planning on checking out. [Maybe a simple truce can help her get rid of this guilt]

Aug. 19th, 2015


Here you go, Joey!

Are you happy now? I did it, I am on the network! Will you quit bugging me?

Aug. 11th, 2015



Sorry about the other night. Can we just do the thing where we don't talk about it?

So remember how I told you my ex was having a cookout this weekend?

Aug. 9th, 2015



[Forward dated to about 2:00 am. She had fun at the party, but seeing Dave so okay and over her when she's so stuck on him is tearing her apart. She's not even sure why she keeps on drinking when she's sad these days, she's never really been much of a drinker in the past, and these days every time she drinks she ends up doing something she regrets. She's probably going to regret this, actually...]
Come over.

Aug. 8th, 2015


Best. Boyfriend. Ever.

Aug. 6th, 2015



[Forward-dated to after the dinner]
I had fun tonight. We should hang out more outside of work.

I made the reservations. [Attached text of details]


Aug. 2nd, 2015


Filter to Cass

Hey Cass, was wondering if you'd consider using some of your clout\star power to hook a friend up with some dinner reservations or something. Been thinking about taking Liv out somewhere fancy, kinda a treat for feeling better and stuff. Problem is I uh, well i'm not really a frequent guest of the upscale joints. Don't suppose you could recommend a place, and maybe make sure they let a guy like me inside?

Aug. 1st, 2015



So. Apparently our night out made it's way to the internet. Love my fans, but damn it, there's no such thing as even a little privacy. Drunk me is like... fucking obsessed with playing the victim.

[Yes, that's totally Cass.... only not, so use your imagination to say that she looks and sounds more like how Cass would sound and look, and now that this is all over her fanpages and maybe twitter a little if anyone's searching her tags or Hunts tags. Also imagine this is a bar/open mic setting late at night rather than a home studio mid-day.]

Jul. 14th, 2015



How many of you are the right age? Please, please be the right age. This is too weird for me to


Filter to anyone NOT affected by the 'aging thing'

Uh hello? Anyone know what the heck is going on round here? Cause I am totes sorta freaking out.

Jun. 28th, 2015


Text to Dave

[Forward-dated to 3:00 am PDT]
>> Hey. Are you up?

Jun. 27th, 2015


I think I was probably born to keep weird hours. Staying up late doesn't get to me. Maybe it's the fact that I don't have to get up for class anymore.

Hey! Enjoy the bar last night?

Jun. 25th, 2015


I think I'm a little out of practice when it comes to skating, but I think the old knee is in pretty good shape. Felt good to get back on the board.

Mock me, go ahead, see the stuff below the link. )

Thanks for manning the camera, Joey. Even if I wasn't that impressive.


Video Post

[She skims through the letter, then starts reading it over in case she missed something but it disappears so she walks over to the tablet on the desk]
... Hello? [Her voice is thick with fear. She's not sure if she's dreaming, dead, or going insane, but she's going to try to find out whatever she can as soon as possible.] Can anyone hear me?