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Jul. 24th, 2015


I heard a song earlier.

Now, I find myself taken back to I Kissed a Girl....but I mean if Demi Lovato wants to kiss some girls I'm in. Not sure if she's trying to make summer lesbians happen, but hey whatever you're into.

We're doing something this weekend. Manscoping for you.

Girlscoping for me. I've been good for too long.


Jul. 19th, 2015


I've decided that any job that requires me to wear a name tag is not a job for me. I swear to God if one more person reaches to push my hair out of the way so they can see it and call me by my name, I will break their fingers. I can't even decide if it's worse when a creepy old man starts to do it or some middle-aged woman with a "Can I speak to a manager" haircut does. I miss being a kid and living with my parents and letting them buy all the things. the diner back in the City. They didn't make me wear a fucking name tag.

Jul. 14th, 2015


Protip: if a tiny bottle says DRINK ME and a little cookie says EAT ME...don't. This is some Alice in Wonderland shit, where's the pothead caterpillar? He was always my favorite

Behold the most adorable thing you will ever see in your life.



How many of you are the right age? Please, please be the right age. This is too weird for me to

Jul. 6th, 2015


There's a guy that's been sitting here in the cafe on his laptop like sorting out his iTunes for three hours. If he was using our Wi-Fi, okay I'd get it, but he's not. What the actual hell? There's no one else here but me, you're creeping me out, iTunes. GTFO.

TESS, MAGGIE, DAVE; belated filter
Is one of you free to pick me up from work...maybe...? I don't care, I'm closing early and I really don't want to walk home, now. Dave, your face twin is mildly terrifying. FYI.

Jul. 5th, 2015


The amount of people in line for coffee this morning who looked like they were going to pass out on the spot was priceless.

That was the first Fourth of July / Birthday Party I've had to chance to celebrate in quite some time. Thanks for throwing the party, Pepper.

Steve, your cake was a fire hazard.

Jun. 30th, 2015


No teeny tinies.

Bored now. Do this thing.
1. Third song that comes on when you play your iPod/mp3 player/phone/fave playlist on shuffle
2. One regret about being here.
3. One positive thing about being here.
4. Random, completely irrational fear.
5. Link to something ridiculous.

Ready, set, GO!

Mine is:
1. The Kooks — Naive
2. I'll probably never learn to drive.
3. I've met some really cool people and am going to my first Comic Con free of charge (thanks Tess!)
4. I'll be having one of those naked at school/in a crowd nightmares and find out it's not a nightmare so much as I'm sleepwalking. Naked. DNW.
5. Boop.

Jun. 25th, 2015


I think I'm a little out of practice when it comes to skating, but I think the old knee is in pretty good shape. Felt good to get back on the board.

Mock me, go ahead, see the stuff below the link. )

Thanks for manning the camera, Joey. Even if I wasn't that impressive.

Jun. 21st, 2015


At 8:50 EST this video will play for everyone. )

Jun. 20th, 2015





[At 4:20 pm EST this video plays for all to see.]

Jun. 13th, 2015


Would anyone here happen to know of a decent establishment to order Chinese food from?

Jun. 10th, 2015


Guess who's going to Comic-Con? You can't see it, but I am absolutely doing my happy dance right now.

Jun. 9th, 2015


Seriously still the best thing ever on Dawson's Creek.

SD is a go, everyone should have itineraries hitting their inbox within the hour. We also have a few extra passes so feel free to ask a couple people if you wanted to bring any friends. They're VIP so pretty good score for someone.

Hi, Tess. I'm Jules and I work on the show with the boys and Mags. I'm emailing you over a pdf document that I'm hoping you can sign for me and send back. I know it probably looks like a ton of crazy legal talk but it's not scary, I promise. It's just a non-disclosure agreement that states anything you see the cast or crew posting on this network can't be posted to your site or discussed on other forums/sites.

I also have some extra passes to Comic-Con that I'd love to pass along to you.

Jun. 5th, 2015


...holy crap on a cracker. Seriously?