February 2016




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Jan. 31st, 2016



Hey, do I need to stop for condoms after work or are we still good?

Jan. 8th, 2016


That awkward moment when you're surfing the internet, minding your own business, and stumble across your brother doing Beyonce. No words, man, no words.

Dec. 28th, 2015


On a scale of 1-10 how ridiculous would it be to watch a movie just so you can see yourself in better shape playing the part of a greek god?

A 10? Pretty much?

It's a slow night.

Dec. 18th, 2015


Just thought you guys could use a little reprieve from all of this craziness.

She's obviously got her priorities in order.

Dec. 3rd, 2015


I passed out for literally two seconds and I woke up with a pink moustache in magic marker. I've been scrubbing my face since I got off of work and I just got it off. It was one of those days.



Am I still in trouble?

Dec. 2nd, 2015


((whoops, blank post is blank!))

Is this for real -
This can't be real -
There's nothing there, it's like it never even -

Nov. 29th, 2015


That moment when you realize you've been unwittingly moonlighting as a therapist all along. It's gonna be that kinda night, I guess...

Nov. 19th, 2015


This is actually not that far from the truth.

Nov. 16th, 2015


[He posts it at like, 1AM. No shame.]

This song is my new jam, I'm not even a little sorry.

Nov. 14th, 2015


After this airs )

I don't know what they're paying that Sharman guys so much money for. TV is easy as hell.

Nov. 11th, 2015


Accidental Video Post

[Hyperventilation as he grabs his tablet and rushes out of the strip club wearing only a man-thong and about 40 singles. He didn't realize that he hit the "on" button. He's sweaty and clutches at his chest. It feels like he's dying. Heart attack or something, probably.]

Oct. 10th, 2015


I need something to do on Tuesdays.

And Wednesdays.


Sep. 17th, 2015


I have no idea what the internet's fascination with calling people cinnamon rolls is, but this is fairly accurate none the less. And I've made myself way too sad with how much I miss all of these people so someone please distract me -

Sep. 14th, 2015


Allison is gone.

My Allison, at least, her place is empty.

Just thought you guys might want to know. Or not. I don't know.


Это может остановить любое настоящее . Это даже не близко к забавным больше . Я голоден и не можете заказать половиной моих обычных местах . Телевидение является хуже, когда вы не можете понять проклятую слово кто-то говорит. Я вспыхнула проклятую Толстого , потому что это единственное, что у меня есть это на русском языке.

Sep. 12th, 2015



Hey, I'm Camden Lahey; I work at Beacons. You start dancing soon, right? Your basic choregraphy training's almost done? You should watch this. We do all of these routines. It'll give you a base to start practicing like on your own so that it's easier for us to teach you my old stuff, because I've been working my way into taking over Adam's stuff.

cut for length )

Sep. 10th, 2015


[ hover for translations :) ]
Это сентября и я клянусь, я едва был вне кроме пойти на трассы , кто-нибудь хочет сделать день на Лонг-Бич , прежде чем он холодно и валовой ?

slight delay;

Хорошо я не то, что русским , что я забываю написать на английском языке

slight delay;

Чего ждать?



Sep. 5th, 2015


[Dubsmash video with this portion of audio in which Stiles, Isaac, and Barry are doing the dance in the video. It's sloppy but it's pretty close. Stiles is in the middle and Isaac and Barry are on either side and they filmed in front of a white sheet in the basement at Beacons, because they're super high budget over here lol.]

Dear Caroline & Co.,

I'm sorry about your loss. Better luck next time.

Stiles & Co.



Beacons is now hiring new dancers and servers, and I don't think I need to explain to you the kind of money that you can pull in here. If you're interested I'll be starting interviews this upcoming week; I also offer to pay for choreography lessons for the first week so you can get down the basics.

We should probably talk about Adam disappearing.

Aug. 22nd, 2015


At least this place was nice enough to enroll me into UCLA, in the proper year. It's no San Francisco, but already better than Beacon Hills.

[ STILES (from earlier today) ]
Thanks for inviting me tag along today, it was better than staring at walls and glaring.

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