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Aug. 13th, 2015


[ Sent to Lily at some point today: bottle of wine, flowers, and chocolates. Along with a note that just says Happy Birthday, Lily. - War ]

Aug. 6th, 2015



[Forward-dated to after the dinner]
I had fun tonight. We should hang out more outside of work.

I made the reservations. [Attached text of details]


Aug. 3rd, 2015


So, hypothetically, if I were thinking of having a barbecue at my place next weekend (probably Saturday or Sunday....input on which might work better?) how many of you would be up for it and come?

...and y'know bring some sort of side while I take care of the staples?


How are you doing?

...Other than singing songs about heartbreak really well and getting recorded?

And, for the record, I won't be asking you for help with said barbecue. I'll be handling it myself, so don't panic or worry that you forgot something or anything like that.

And I get it if you guys don't have time to come. But I will bring you food if that's the case.

And on another note did you see Cass' video that's been circulating around?

[OOC: First filter applies to anybody Dave talks to, at all, or works with at all. And whatnot! If you have questions poke me!]


That moment when you have two glorious days off and as much as you want to make the most of it, you know you're going to sleep through it all.

Saw your video.

Jul. 28th, 2015


That moment when you find a photo on your phone you don't remember taking and have no idea what the hell you were doing in. Mags, wtf? Did you hair smell extra good that day on set or something?

Jul. 13th, 2015


Dear Warren,

I feel that I needed to share with you the results of my perusal on the interwebz for today. The headline to this, fake or not, makes it wonderfully hilarious. Please know you have my support should you decide you want to try and grow the facial hair out and/or become a hobo.

Your friend,


PS: I'm obviously amused so easily and I feel Lilyflower will get a kick out of this too. Lily, giggle with me. Along with anyone else who finds this funny.

I miss everyone
Seeing you and Mia
I wish I'd gotten a video
I need a hug
I didn't miss anything else major, right? At home, y'know?

Jul. 5th, 2015


Hey, so my friend Warren Jules got me and Cori these tickets to Comic Con months ago and I just realized what date it is, so we're going to San Diego on Wednesday and we'll be back on Monday. ♥ I'll check in every night, I promise. Love youuuu.

Just sent this to my dad: "Hey, so my friend Jules got me and Cori these tickets to Comic Con, so we're going to San Diego on Wednesday and we'll be back on Monday. ♥"

...don't get me in trouble. :P

So...if anyone asks, Jules got those tickets to the con and Cori's coming with. Read: I'll see you Wednesday. :)



Can someone turn off the sun, please?

Jul. 1st, 2015



Hey. Are we not hanging out anymore? Are you just busy or does my dad freak you out like Mox freaks me out, or is this about that girl Cass, or...what's going on? I miss you...

Jun. 19th, 2015


video plays at 1:43 PST )


[Because I'm about to hit the hay and also because I'll be at work most of the day tomorrow, posting early, BUT... At 11am EST/8am PST, a compilation video set to this song will play. Until the 2:11 point, it's entirely comprised of Mox at various events and photoshoots or out drinking with his friends, making out or sleeping with random starlets (feel free to have characters recognize random female celebrities in his age group) or extras from set. From 2:11 to 2:25, the sound drops way down and Cass is letting herself into his trailer on set.]

Encounter with Cass cut for adult stuffs )

[The volume of the song comes back up and for the remainder of the song, it's literally just clips of Mox about to get it on with more women, definitely including repeated encounters with Vampire Allison at Kol's mansion in the City and Lydia at her lakehouse in the City, as well as his makeout sesh with Olive here in this universe.]

Jun. 17th, 2015


Screw this place.

I need to get drunk. Very, very drunk, very, very soon. Two minutes ago would've been a great time to start. And I very much don't have any money to buy booze. Someone help.

[ooc: if you think you can see her filter, then you probably can.]

Jun. 14th, 2015


...welp, today feels like a day.

I think I'm finally gonna tell my dad who I am, wish me luck and have much wine and ice cream ready for me just in case it goes really, really badly. It has the potential to do just that.

I've seen the show and you took Deucalion's arrival a lot better than I thought, so maybe, you know...you won't hate me? Or...freak out? Please don't freak out... ...hi. I'm Lily. Can I talk to you about something...?

[ooc: *she means the Isaac who talks to her and the Derek who's still in the dark.]

Jun. 4th, 2015


Don't mind me, just over here sharing my misery, because my PA thought it'd be hilarious to change up the playlist in the makeup trailer. Dick. I'll never get this shit out of my head now.

Guys, are we doing SD Comic Con this year? I'm being invited to appear at a fan-run convention in Florida the weekend right after and I don't wanna do both. I hate being that wasted tired.

[*includes crew (Joey)]

Jun. 3rd, 2015


Thirteen hours on set and a five hour flight with these two idiots: complete. Bet none of you could do it. :P Need sleep nao. So, so much sleep.