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Jan. 20th, 2016


100% suffering from Senioritis. Still so far to go.

[ STILES (agoodbatman) ]
How are you guys doing?

Jan. 11th, 2016


[He wakes up on a strange couch, his baby on his chest instead of the crib she'd been placed in last night, pulling at his lip. He holds her with one arm and picks up the note on the coffee table next to him.]
Oh no.

Dec. 23rd, 2015


Dear Creepy Faceless Powers Who Brought Us Here,

You can skip the video about me, if you have one lined up, not interested. All I want for Christmas is Boyd. Make it happen, my patience has run out.

Dec. 4th, 2015


Hey. How are you doing with all of this?

How are you doing now? You didn't hear from the crazies again, did you?

Nov. 30th, 2015


Check your mailbox on a regular basis, self. Otherwise you're behind on the gift of early acceptance letters and covered tuition. Hey Monday, you suck a little less.

Nov. 12th, 2015


Beacon Hills + Friends

We should do Thanksgiving.

Nov. 11th, 2015


Déjà vu.

Sep. 25th, 2015


Somebody needs to bring me a Monster. Or a Rockstar, or a Redbull, I don't care. I'll love you forever.

We're apparently getting bigger so we're going to have to start partnering up at training sessions. I'm not afraid that any of you are going to seriously damage anything but my place is getting too small, how does everyone feel about using a gym at the Avengers Tower? We'll probably be upping our training times to twice a week, but I want to make sure that works for everybody.

He doesn't hate you. I think he has a right to know details if he asks for them, but I've only told him what I know. The rest is between the two of you.

But he doesn't hate you.

How are you feeling? Do you need anything?

I'm going to need to go for a run tonight, you up for it?

Sep. 23rd, 2015


One of the worst parts about this place is starting a show to binge on Netflix and feeling guilty for watching it because one of the people might show up at some point. I feel bad for things that haven't even happened.

On a totally different note, I need to start planning my birthday party. I have nothing and nobody to spend my money on other than myself, apparently. Suggestions?

Aug. 31st, 2015


Working at Stark Industries? Amazing idea. Going to school while working at Stark Industries? Not so much.

My head hurts and I need you to bring me something to make it better. Preferably something that contains a lot of chocolate. Or only chocolate.

Just bring me chocolate.

Can we get together and do something? Anything? So I can remind myself that I'm still capable of having a barely functioning social life?

((*OOC: If you think you might be, you are, just go for it.))

Aug. 18th, 2015


This whole 'can't drink' thing is starting to become a serious problem.

Are you okay?

I need your help, please, I don't know what to

Aug. 16th, 2015


Stiles, I have found your next steps in conquering amusement park rides.

Aug. 14th, 2015



You guys better be ready for this party tomorrow. I'm collecting car keys at the door and keeping an eye out for people who are supposed to be a DD. Seriously, if you need to crash at my place, crash at my place and go home tomorrow morning. Don't be stupid.

Cut for image size. )

Aug. 13th, 2015


I'm really bad at thi
So for those of you that don't know, I've been working at an orphanage in the city since I got here, and we're not doing great, financially. I don't know a lot of people around here and the ones I do know don't usually like me but we're in serious need of help. Some of these kids are a little rough, some of them are shy, but they're all great and they all deserve to be able to be somewhere. We're like the middle ground between them being left and them getting to a foster home or an adoptive family, and some kids end up spending a lot of time here.

We're insanely understaffed, a lot of the employees haven't really been getting paid but we stick around because it's the right thing to do, but the place can't close down. We're getting little to no funding, and every place that closes down around us ends up dropping their kids off here; we don't have the room or the facilities to make it all work. The program that we run doesn't just take care of kids in foster care and in the orphanage, we go out of our way to make sure that no one 'ages out' of protection. We go out of our way to make sure that they all get into a high school and graduate which is a little ironic because I never did but that's beside the point and if we don't get funding soon, we're going to have to stop doing that.

Five bucks. A dollar. Anything. I'll clean your car for you.

Aug. 11th, 2015



Hey, I'm off tomorrow. You wanna go to Six Flags with me? We haven't done IHOP in a little while, sorry I suck. I'm buying the tickets...

Aug. 8th, 2015


To Google or not to Google, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to avoid thine own face on social media or to take arms against a sea of awkward photographs for the sake of adorable outfit ideas, I know not. My struggle is the realest.

I need new hobbies, I'm so done with this. I swear I'll try the first three things that somebody suggests. Also, if I threw an amazing party, who would come? Considering I have absolutely nothing to do with my free time?

Jul. 29th, 2015


Somehow being surrounded by friends who aren't my friends makes everything so much lonelier than it already is. Confession time, I totally appreciate the whole 'a couple of weeks worth of food in the fridge already' thing, but I think I almost burned my apartment down. I may not be the most fantastic chef out there...

If there were maybe something like... I don't know, cooking classes that someone could point me toward, that would be fab. If you help me out I'll bake you a pie. A horrible, terrible, bland pie. You're welcome.

Because it's adorable and I refuse to let Isaac put a scarf on that poor child as soon as he gets cold.

Hello Miss Potts, I don't believe we've met but I'm Lydia Martin, similar to the one that you do know.

I was wondering if perhaps Stark Industries was hiring at this time, my resume isn't particularly impressive due to my age but I do think that I could be more than useful to your team. My knowledge lies mostly in chemical and biological sciences, but if you wished to put me in a different department due to the fact that there's already a version of me in the lab who probably doesn't want to have anything to do with me to avoid confusion I would understand.

If there's a management or assistant position open I'd happily apply for that as well. Because honey, you should see my leadership skills.


Staff discounts and feebies at Sephora may be the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me. minus the whole werewolf thing?

Jul. 27th, 2015


Not realizing that She & Him basically have two albums that I wasn't aware of until now. I'm terrible at being in my generation. I shouldn't have gone with the 'catch up as I go' method.

Happy National Creme Brulee Day. May eight my weight in it just because I can.

Jul. 24th, 2015



What are you up to on this Friday evening?

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