MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


June 20th, 2017



Day 433


Right, so yesterday's pictures; you probably know about as much as I do. Laurel, Ray, I wouldn't say no to a couple of those being explained. You know, like the one where I'm dead. Totally want an explanation on that one.

On a positive note at least two of them are getting framed. Not. That. Any of you were actually interested in any of that.

Two. The whole tech thing in the museum is a serious waste of time. It's all archaic. I don't know why they insist on the whole extensively outdated crap they keep putting in here, but it's not really worth going unless you're going to cannibalize it all for parts.

Action )

Day 433 Arrival OTA

This place is going to keep me busy. Starfire are you here?

Day 433 Arrival OTA

Oh Come on....I was heading to the beach for a nice day off. This had to happen today?



Day 433 / Action / Closed to Ianto

Totally NSFW )



433-Private to Duo

Hey there, Duo.

Any chance you'd like help with the welcome basket now that the flood gates have apparently opened? I'd be happy to.