MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


April 18th, 2017



Day 424 - Video/Action - Open


[Jack comes on the screen looking sad, his lips pressed together in a thin, hard line.]

Looks like we've lost Kitty. And Chekov and Gaeta.

[In other words, three of his closest friends here, especially after the twenty years' future event. He's feeling more than a little lost in the wake of this discovery.

Also? If Kitty hadn't dissolved the Defence Force a few days ago, it would almost certainly be falling apart now, especially the Investigative Team since that left exactly just him and Ianto in that category.]


He makes an effort to keep to his usual routine - swimming, patrolling (hard to break the habit of a lifetime, even with no official entity to report back to now), eating, getting coffee etc. etc. etc. But he's definitely looking unusually pensive as he goes about his day.



Day 424 | Audio | Private to Reid

[Of course he's not okay, he doesn't sound okay. He's handling it better than he would have even a few weeks or months ago, better than the last time he called him during an emotional crisis but it's a neat thing. And while everyone here will miss Kitty there's really only one person he can think of calling today, one person who will probably be taking it as badly as he is even with all the ups and downs their relationship had.]

Feel like sitting on a roof and being sad with me?