MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


April 10th, 2017



DAY 423 — Morning Greeting

Welcome to day 423. The weather is pleasant, there are new arrivals for you to play with, and comfort foods at the food carts in sector 0. Enjoy some mac and cheese on a stick. It's worth going just to figure out how we did that.

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested. Warden request post | Mail submissions)



Day 423 |Video| Action

Network Post
[An odd looking face appears on screen, something like a lion mixed with a human, a reduced snout, green eyes, and Ash grey fur. Under all that fuzz, there's an almost cub like quality to his face denoting youthfulness, and the mane stop his head, adolescence. He has cut off the collar and sleeves of the jump suit for the being.

His eyes flick to the screen briefly and his brows knit somewhat.]

Oh. That’s on record, in’it? It is. Um. Uh. Hi. Hello. I’m Shadow and --

[He clams up, not really sure what to say lest it come off as awkward, since this really was awkward. He also seems a bit jumpy, as a sentinel moves behind him, spooking him. He scurries off to a tree and hides behind it, but appears to have one of those deep fried macaroni things to snack on.]

Them droid things are a menace, but only cos I got a power suppressor thing on. How do you get these things off?

Also, I wanna know if my dad is here. Or isn't he? Anyone seen a guy with robot legs and an eyepatch? He's also like a pirate and he's way more a crook than me. This place must be filled with villains and crooks. [He offers a sheepish smile, as he finds this entire thing to be strange and foreign to him. He exhales softly and fiddles with the device before the feed goes dark.]

The clothes were garish, and he usually didn't care about how his clothes looked as long as he had them. He cut through the top half of his jump suit and ditched it, leaving him clothed in only orange pants with part of the suit tied around his waist to keep them from falling off. He'd torn off the pants below his heels as well so he had mobility. So now he was running on all fours through the district, trying to see what the full range of the power restrictions were. He'd jump and climb on anything he could reach, trying to climb to the top of buildings for a bit of parkour. They didn't seem to be restricting his more natural gifts so that was a plus.

Trouble is he isn't exactly a seasoned pro so he makes plenty of clumsy mistakes, like missing a landing and falling into a window, or falling to the ground if he doesn't catch himself.

It's either that or he's exploring a shop or two, especially if there's food involved.