MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


January 23rd, 2017



DAY 412 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 412 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ warm and sunny ].

Welcome back.

[ And like always, we end this message with a jaunty tune! You're welcome. ]

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! Warden request post is HERE for your convenience! Mail submissions go here! )



Day 412 | Action | Closed to Spike

[Ianto doesn't have to open his eyes to know they're back. He can feel his heart beating, his chest rising and falling with each breath and that's all the information he needs to tell him those twenty years never happened, that it was all just another glitch full of false memories and fake emotions. The problem is that it doesn't feel that way at all. Everything that happened yesterday feels all too real, too possible. It might have been something invented by the Wardens but he knows that given the choice he would have caused thing to play out exactly the same way. The vampire bit isn't all that frightening or worrying; it's something he's thought of occasionally, never with any real seriousness but if they really were trapped here for that long then yes, it's a choice he would make.

And then there's everything that happened with Jack which of course is what's really hurting him, making him have sudden, painful doubts where none have ever existed before. Because as much as he hates to admit it to himself that feels suspiciously possible, too. Jack has always found the bands in the place limiting and yesterday feels like a very real idea of what he'd do if they vanished. He also knows himself well enough to suspect he really would let it get to him, bottle it all up until it exploded and ended everything. He can't stop thinking about what he said yesterday, about how he wished he could go back and end it with him before any of it happened.

It's something he's scared to consider so he tries to focus on the one good thing from yesterday which is how happy he was with Spike, how well this had worked out for them both, how in love they still were. He rolls over, snuggling closer and wrapping himself up in his arms, not even sure what he wants to say yet, just knowing that as soon as he lets himself think about anything else things are going to start to hurt.]



Day 412 The rewind

[Video/Action | OPEN]
So that...happened.

I've been here for awhile and for those of you who are on the newer side of things, I wish I had some keen insight for you, but that's just one of the games they play. It was kind of a remix of some of their old ones. [She's seen people remember more future before and seen people think they were connected to others in new ways. She had a husband for a day once before.] I think it's just important to remember who you are without their toying and lean on people when you need to. We're in this together.

I don't think what we saw was a real future even if parts of it seemed like they were. There were some conflicting outlooks. Of course, that hasn't stopped me from trying to remember exactly how we overthrew them in mine. [It hasn't stopped her from thinking about a lot of things it brought up.]

Anyway... [She hopes you're all okay. She would have been better at saying that yesterday when it was still twenty years from now. So, she just ends the feed there and you might find her out and about looking particularly thoughtful. Maybe absently walking through solid objects including you! As one does.]

[Action | Closed to Chekov]
[Before her broadcast or any other calls there is just a girl waking up next to a boy. Everything feels right at first. She snuggles closer and the details don't feel important. Are they still in the future? Was yesterday a dream or an experiment? It doesn't matter yet. She's only half awake and warm and comfortable.]

[Video | Closed to Jack]
Hey, so, how are things? [Concerned but also unsure how to ask if yesterday ruined his relationships for real.]

[Video | Closed to Ianto]
Need a coffee? [Code for "let's talk."]



412 - open/closed action/video


[ Okay so, yesterday was a thing. A thing that may or may not happen two decades in the future and as nice as it was to walk around out of the mask that's not something Wade is at all willing or able to unpack just yet. Nope nope, he's going to continue as if nothing has happened at all, violently pretending that yesterday wasn't even a thing. That's cool, right?

You can bump into him as he goes through his errands for the day, in full Deadpool regalia, picking up a fancy dessert and a pan of frozen lasagna for what can only be assumed is going to be a super hot date. ]


[ Ring ring bananaphone. ]

Hey babe, want to come over tonight? My parents aren't home.