MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


August 15th, 2016



DAY 389 — Morning Greeting

It's Day 389 and it is going to bring new playmates for you all. What a lucky day already. How do you contain your excitement?

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested. Warden request post | Mail submissions)



Day 389 | Video

[He's already changed out of the orange prison jumpsuit they put him in. It's weird that everything here is free but Hikari's got himself a blue hoody and a pair of shorts, along with some shoes he could just slip on by the time he finally addresses the network.]

This is weird. Talking to everyone like this. [Hikari's used to regular phones.] Guess I should start by introducing myself. Name's Hikari Sakishima and I'm from Shioshishio. [Muttered quieter:] As if anyone's gonna know what that is.

I have a question. Has anyone ever swum down to the bottom of the "ocean" floor and explored it for a way out?

[Probably not a good idea to be talking about over these things the warden provided him with but... what are they going to do? Throw him in prison.]

I mean, there's gotta be some thing all the way out there except the barrier so I was wondering if anyone knew.

[He gets that they're supposed to be some virtual versions of themselves but is there anyone who can do what he does?]

It may not look like it 'cause of my age but I've got important things to be doing back home.



Day 389 | Angry/Sobbing Action

[It might not be too difficult to spot this guy...

Between the lingering expression of anger resting on his face -- as well as the way his jawline is completely tense -- it might be clear to some that he's new to this place. Of course, if those aren't telling signs, there's always the weird thing attached to his ankle (but mostly the fact that he's still wearing the hideous outfit he woke up in). Yoon is, without a doubt, frustrated and completely worried about the idiots people he'd last been with. On top of the fact that they're notorious for drawing attention to themselves, there's... the matter of him... actually caring a lot about their safety.

Damn it... are they even here?!

He can honestly be found all over the place. Due to the fact that he's trying to cover as much ground as quickly as possible... he's not going to be lingering in one place for very long, however. He will trek through every Sector if he's able to, refusing to let weariness stop him from ensuring that he actually is... all alone in this place.

While swallowing down a painful lump, he eventually does take a break. It's at this point, he can be found in a corner, doing everything to keep his face hidden. He doesn't like people seeing or even knowing when he's crying. All around him are strangers, too, so like hell he's going to let them witness this!!!

Damn it...!

[The words slip out through clenched teeth as one hand balls into a hard fist. It will be after the tears finally stop coming, that he furiously wipes at his face and begins the search yet again. In spite of the heaviness of his legs, in spite of the weight resting on his chest, seemingly making it difficult to breath... he can't -- he won't give up on his search...]



Day 389 | Video + Action

[ Video ]

[ By the time Kirk decides to experiment some with the little device, he has managed to ditch the orange prison uniform and get himself into a normal shirt and pants. The jump suit had been humiliating as it was, he wasn't about to go looking for answers still wearing it. Not to mention orange was definitely not his color. ]

Okay, so does anyone want to actually explain this situation to me? Because so far I've gotten the idea that some rogue AI have kidnapped me and I assume everyone else here. Needless to say, I'm taking what they're saying with a grain of salt.

[ Least because many of the more dire charges were, to him, quite justifiable considering most of them were done while saving lives. Some of those lesser ones he really couldn't argue (like cheating, whoops), but some on. This was ridiculous, not to mention where was his due process? ]

And beyond that - please tell me that we can actually get booze in this prison. I have a feeling I'm going to need a drink to absorb all this.

[ In other words, he is freaking out inside but refuses to show it because his James Tiberius Kirk, damn it, and he is extremely salty over this turn of events. Can't he ever just get a normal shore leave? ]

[ Action ]

[ His "invitation" sent, Kirk continued to wander around the prison - mostly Sector 0 and parts of Sector 1 for the moment as it seems, to him, to be a central sort of place for the prison. It's as natural a place to start as any, and regardless of how irritated he was at the situation, his stomach did not care. He found himself taking up some of the street food. Honestly he should have worried more about things they might have put in there, but if he didn't start doing some sort of activity he really would lose it. Eating was good as anything here, helping him to bide his time and keep his patience.

Don't judge him for picking the most homely food he could find - a corndog and fries. ]