MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


July 10th, 2016



[Day 383] action / open

[ And it was going so well.

He shared an apartment with them for several days, a room with Euphie for some of that, and keeping that -- particular -- area of his chest hidden wasn't terribly difficult. He's always been on the modest side. Pajamas to bed, typical enough; avoiding the pool and the ocean, perfectly in keeping with his preferences to minimize any form of physical activity; shirt on through the heatwave... he was hardly the only one.

But Botani has been relentlessly, coercively relaxing. Everything here is so simple and easy. Doing what makes you most comfortable is so... simple and easy.

And he is soaked through from a mishap at the lagoon, which is not comfortable, so Lelouch's first impulse is to fix that, even though far from being in a locked room (or bathroom, or once Euphie's closet), he's currently outdoors where anyone could see him...

...he's going to pull his shirt up over his head, exposing a truly nasty-looking scar on his chest. ]

((ooc: if your character is the type to recognize these things, it's a pretty new scar, and he got it from being stabbed between his ribs and through his heart with near-surgical precision!))