MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


July 11th, 2015



[ action | open with a closed section ]

[So after the big family picnic Euphie had in the park, Piper wasn't sure how many people would still be hungry for dinner, but since there seemed to be enough of a call for it (like the amusing double date in the corner she spotted), dinner service was in full swing.

After her amorous afternoon with Sam in the manager's office, she was busying herself with trying not to be too obvious about what just happened. Was that a glow? Nah. You were imagining it.]

[Closed to Facilier]

[She had come out from the back to take a break and check on how things were going. She spotted Facilier over near the bar.]

Looking for Sam?

[She smiled at her brother-in-law.]

[Closed to Sam]

[She'd been feeling weird all day.

Well, not all day. But long enough. It was close to closing time, and no one was around, so she'd closed the doors and made the place at least look closed so she could get finished up early and head back to the apartment she had with Sam. Because, that would be nice. Just curl up with him until this passed...

She headed into the kitchen, and was going back to the office to grab her stuff when the floor suddenly pitched sharply (to her, at least) and she fell.

When she tried to call out, it was suddenly hard to speak.]