MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


October 15th, 2014



Day 294 (forward-dated) – Action – Closed to Ianto

Jack is pissed off and fed up. He actually had a pretty good time the day of the freak weather, battling flying octopi and bits of building and fighting his way through a few really satisfying storms. He managed to work off quite a lot of aggression. The downside is that he still didn't feel any less aggressive afterwards, and it's not helped by the damn bots who keep tasing him because anywhere he tries to go seems to be somewhere they have to be cleaning up instead, even those places that look perfectly fine to him.

He's also got sopping wet feet and ankles at least twice from stepping into a couple of deceptively deep puddles when he wasn't looking where he was going. It hasn't improved his mood one bit.

He's ended up on the beach which is at least – ironically – dry. It seems as good as anywhere to stay, especially since he doesn't exactly feel like going home anyway, even if he was allowed. But he's damned if he's sharing a tent with a dozen other people.

Which is why he's currently fighting with a one-to-two-man tent, furiously trying to whip it into shape without anywhere enough patience to work out how the thing actually goes up.



293 // closed action

[ They survived the storm. They found a temporary place to stay that isn't full of water and cephalopods, they gathered up dry clothes and food and a moments peace and quiet. It really is the quiet after the storm, literally and figuratively and although Reid feels like he might just burst with emotion from the conversation with Kitty late last night, he's choosing not to speak.

Not about that, at least. ]

Rebecca? Coffee's done.



293 // open video

That was some weather, huh? I never thought I'd experience a storm underwater... guess I know what it feels like to be trapped in a snow globe now. Is everyone alright? I feel bad for you newcomers — we're not usually this wet.

I don't have any of my equipment in this apartment, but I still feel like today calls for cupcakes. Any requests?