MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


July 9th, 2014



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Hey, everyone.

I was just thinking... things have been kinda slow at the Post Office lately. So... what if we had some kinda raffle or something?

Oh, and, yeah... I'll be over at the gym this morning, then at the Post Office before baseball practice and before the beach party. I was thinking of trying to get the basketball thing going again. I think it's been long enough.

See ya.

[And he was off.]


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[Just as promised, Duo spent the early morning at the gym, checking the basketball equipment, jogging around a little, taking some practice shots. From there, he went over to the Post Office long enough to check the dropbox and leave a note that he was at baseball practice. After baseball practice, he went back to his apartment, cleaned himself up, and then went back to the Post Office to sit for a while... organizing newbie baskets that were done up and in storage, checking the dropbox, coming up with ideas for the raffle prizes if he decided to do it after all, and then checking the inventory on the post cards and other things available. Once finished, he closed up for the night and headed to the beach party.]



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[After baseball/cheerleading practice, Kitty had been dismayed to see how many cheerleaders had been lost to the dimensional stabilizer glitch recently. She knew she had spoke with a few people at the school activities fair, but it was just down to her and Euphie now.

Since Euphie had enough on her plate with the school itself, Kitty had volunteered to step up and try recruiting and leading the cheerleading squad.]

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Woo! [So, she was a little enthusiastic. Plus, it was looking like someone had replaced her usual necklace with one that had a purple pearl.] Who wants to be a cheerleader? I know you do! We're looking for a few good cheers to help encourage our baseball teams at the games. We practice on odd number days at 8 am, so stop by and check us out!

Also, we get to hang out with the awesome baseball teams during their practices on Day 9 at 10 am. [Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.]

If you're interested in joining the squad, just let me know!



Day 279 | afternoon | all over the dome

[They say diamonds are a girl's best friend, but if you asked me what inanimate natural object I'd choose as my bestie, I'd go with a pearl. After all, you never hear about pearls being sold to finance wars in Africa. Pearls are too classy for that.

And they're just prettier. Diamonds have a certain shine, but pearls have both shine and color. Like this adorable pink pearl I got the other day. Every time I look at it, I just feel happy. Not in a creepy brainwashed way — please — but it's pretty and pink and isn't that reason enough? Lilly would have loved it.

God, Lilly. I haven't thought about her in years. Did they even mention her during the reunion? I don't think so. It's strange how people can be such a huge defining part of your life, and then they just... stop. After her murder was finally solved, it's like she stopped existing for me. She belonged to a different Veronica.

Except there is no different Veronica. A different Veronica would have gone back to New York to be with the sweet boy who's never been accused of murder. I've accepted the fact that I will always be rolling in the mud & dirt. But maybe now it's time to accept that Lilly is, and always will be, a part of me.

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[She can practically hear Lilly as she gets dressed — Oooooh, sparkles. Brave choice, Veronica Mars. It's exactly the kind of wild but classy look that her teenaged friend would have loved, and Veronica never would have dared. It seems appropriate to wear it now, while Lilly is so much in her thoughts.

Finding a decent camera is a lot more difficult than one would expect from a futuristic ocean resort prison, but eventually she finds one that she can live with. Now she can really get going.

After Lilly's death, Veronica had stopped taking pictures for fun. She took them for work, or newspaper class, or to practice so she could take better pictures for work. All skill, little artistry. But today she's decided that she's only going to take pictures that are beautiful or silly or fun — everything that Lilly had been.

Her pink pearl is the star for most of them, but she'll definitely try to sneak a few shots of anyone who seems interesting. Hell, she'll even take pictures on request.]