MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


June 17th, 2014



[ action | open ] Daily Mail

[Out and About]

[Newbie baskets today! Everyone who arrived yesterday was getting a basket today. Duo was wandering around with his deliveries. He didn't have his own pearl, yet, but that was okay. He could easily be affected by one someone might be holding.]


{OOC: Any newbies who want to thread out receiving their baskets, please feel free! It's not a requirement, but it's good for AC if anyone needs a thread. ^_^ We can start however you want, with Duo contacting the new arrivals via the communicator, or with them meeting up in person. I'm open to either!

New submissions for mail go here, as well as any sign up forms for characters who want to help out and deliver stuff for the Post Office!

Interactions on this post are definitely open to Siren Clam pearl shenanigans, so, even if you're not getting a delivery, this can be Duo's open post for the event if you want to thread with him for that!}