MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


March 25th, 2014



264 // video + action // open

[ As always, it's early morning when he hits up the network, curled up on a kitchen chair with a cup of coffee. He's looking a lot less tired than last time — the wonders of a few nights of decent sleep. Besides, who can be tired when you have so many exciting things to talk about? ]

Mornin', y'all. I've got some things to talk to you about an' I figured today was a good a day as any.

First, I wanna remind y'all about the Memorial Garden in Sector 4. It's a place where anyone can plant somethin' in honor of th' people that ain't here anymore, whether they're back home or disappeared from here or... or if they're just gone. It's our place to do what we want with, so don't be shy! If anyone needs help plantin' or tendin' to th' garden, I'm gonna be down there for a while this afternoon.

Second... I've, uh. I've been thinkin' 'bout startin' a sorta life skills class for a while now and I think I finally got it together. We'll be meetin' on days endin' on 1, so th' first class'll be on day 271. I'll be puttin' up flyers an' maybe send somethin' in th' mail once we get closer to it, but since th' class really depends on whatever it is you guys wanna learn I figured I'd gauge some interest early on.

So... what kinda stuff do you feel like you wanna learn? I figured it'd be anythin' from real simple cookin' to cleanin' or basic carpentry an' gardenin', if there's interest. I ain't no teacher so we'll all be helpin' each other out best we can. Sound good?

(( ooc: Aidan will be hanging out in the sector 4 Memorial Garden for a large part of the day. You can find more info about the garden HERE. I'll be writing up a proper info post about the class later this week, but for now you can see the info HERE! ))