MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


March 3rd, 2014



Day 261 // video; action - sector 1 (driver's ed)


[ Waking up to Haruka is always a great thing, right? Just ask Michiru. Despite having been here for a few weeks, Haruka hasn't formally introduced herself over the network, so when she starts the feed up she coughs to clear her throat and gives the camera a smile. She's leaning on her motor scooter, and she's surrounded by bicycles. ]

Yo, everyone. If we haven't met before, I'm Tenoh Haruka - your new Driver's Ed teacher. We'll be meeting days 1 and 4 at 11, outside the sports center in sector 1. [ She laughs. ] Sure, we can't drive anything too fancy here, but I think we'll make do!

[ But enough cryptic references to her souped-up Vespa. The grin returns. ] Today we're playing with bicycles, so if you've never seen one of these before - [ she pats the handlebars ] - or never learned, or just want some exercise, we'd love to have you. I'll bring the bikes. You bring the balance.

See you then! [ A wink, and she cuts the feed. Wow, advertising feels weird. ]

action - driver's ed class

[ As promised, Haruka has something like half a dozen bicycles, complete with helmets and water bottles, lined up outside the sports center. She's in a tracksuit and is doing stretches while she waits for her class to convene, and she's also brought along a toolkit and enough training wheels for everyone, if necessary. Plans for the class involve getting everyone a bike, finding out who knows how to ride one and who doesn't, showing the different parts of a bicycle and how it works, and then practicing by riding around the area. She'll save taking a bike tour of the dome for the next class, unless everybody who shows up already knows how to ride.

Also, students beware. She's friendly for one-on-one, but Mentor Mode!Haruka can be a little strict.

((ETA: A mingle thread for riding around in class has been added!)) ]



DAY 261 — Morning Greeting

Welcome to Day 261. I do hope you all stretched yesterday. It would be a shame if you're all stiff and sore. After all it's a beautiful day for this and that. Make your own fun.

I do have one punishment to pass out however.
Yuuri Shibuya: Injury
Details for your punishment are forthcoming to your communicator.

Also, the Vampire Blood Shack has reverted to our control with the temporary disappearance of Eric Northman.

I think that's everything which is good since we wouldn't want my metallic panties to get in a twist.
[Yes, Veridical was listening, Zatanna.]

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested! Mail submissions go here.)



Day 261 - Video//Action - Closed to Chuck

[Phanan has his still-nameless tarantula on the table in front of him, where it remains stubbornly oblivious to his attempts to coax it into downing some sort of trick. Maybe a flip or something. But no, it's just sitting there being much less interesting than he would like.]

Alright, I think it's safe to say I underestimated my pet training skills. Conciliatory beach trip since?