MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


February 17th, 2014



DAY 259 — Morning Greeting

Welcome to Day 259. So, no, new arrivals, this was not a dream. Welcome to the rest of your life.

You all might want to start stretching and carb loading and whatever else it is you organics do before a challenge. We have plans for tomorrow to boost morale and sportsmanship. There may even be something in it for you.

As for today, you might want to visit the museum for the doll exhibit. You enjoy having hundreds of hollow eyes staring back at you, right?

(OOC: Any kind of doll goes for the display, ancient, modern, futuristic, non-human, straw, ceramic, porcelain, blow-up, hand-crafted, mass produced etc. There will also be a gift store with some dolls and doll accessories for the taking. Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested! Mail submissions go here.)



day 259 | voice; / action;

[ helen's day begins early. she couldn't sleep, knowing the day that has been creeping up on her. it isn't december 8th by the prison's standards, but by the calendar she's been keeping based on the day it had been in her world when she arrived, it's now december 8th, her daughter's birthday. she's been dreading this day, dreading the memories and heartache that will surely overwhelm her. she'd been intending to spend this day with jean-luc, but after not seeing him for a few days and being unable to even contact him, she has to face the truth: he's gone. she knows she could ask one of his crew, but she's hardly prepared to face them, not even data or seven. instead, she heads for james' apartment, but there's a nasty surprise waiting for her. normally, this would be the time she would bury herself in her work and she fully intends to do that. but the clinic isn't the place for it; the last thing she wants is for any of them to see how terribly she's taking this.

she does, however, leave a voice message for others, her tone controlled but with an underlying hint of the painful emotion she's experiencing today. ]

For those who knew him, Dr. James Watson has left.

[ at the clinic, she only stays for a few moments, long enough to drop an early-morning note on her desk for martha and her other volunteers saying that she's taken some paperwork with her but she won't be in for the next day or so. it's unusual, she knows, but she can't face anything at the moment. not today and perhaps not tomorrow.

she takes a few moments at the library, mostly to get a few scientific books that'll keep her occupied for a few days, and after both of those errands have been run, she heads back to the apartment she's claimed. she really needs a pet here, one that won't disappear on her.

later in the day, she can be found at the pet cafe and she'll be there for a few hours before she returns to the apartment once again. she's not likely to be social and might even be far more snappy than people are accustomed to from her, but she does actually need the company. for a time, she considers asking rose to keep her company, but thinks better of it. rose is yet another friend she might lose.

she can be found in any of these locations or anywhere in between. ]