MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


December 9th, 2013



DAY 249 — Morning Greeting

Day 249 seems like a quiet sort of day. No requests to fulfill. No punishments to give out. No mail to deliver. I may need to replicate organic yawning sounds.

When you decide to make your own fun, do try to keep the maiming to a minimum.

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested! Mail submissions go here!)



Day 249 ☆ Video

[A video of Kaoru with his hands on his cheeks, seemingly panicked! If you knew Hikaru, then perhaps Kaoru's face is familiar — really familiar — to you!]

How… how did you know?! [He asks in such a dramatic tone and holds himself!] How did you know that orange is my color? I am very grateful for whoever it was that decided on the color. I approve wholeheartedly! [Gives two thumbs up!] Sure it’s a little plain — and that’s putting it lightly — but as I understand it, I’m in prison, so I can’t be too choosy! Not that I have much of a choice, anyway. All I can do is be grateful that I wasn’t forced to wear something with colors that clash!

[Priorities, of course! He takes a moment to pose proudly in his orange jumpsuit. All he can do is make the best of this situation, after all.]

I’m no stranger to jumpsuits, but the last time I wore one was a costume… No matter! I will prove to the entire prison that these jumpsuits can be fashionable as you make them!



Day 249 - Action/Video - Sector 0


When she opened her eyes again, Sarah found herself in… well… she wasn’t quite sure what she was. There was something floating above her. An island maybe? As she sat up, a video played in front of her. Something about crimes and stuck forever. She wasn’t quite sure what was happening. That fall had hurt!

Groaning, she stood and started walking. That was odd. When did she end up in an orange jumpsuit? And where were her friends?

“Hoggle? Ludo? Is anyone there? Sir Didymous?”

She paused and looked around. "I was looking for something. It was important. And..." Orange. She was wearing orange. And an anklet. And there was that video. How was she supposed to turn that back on? Sarah tucked her hair between her ears and felt the transmitter.

"What's this?" She pulled it off and peered at the device, unsure what to do with it. After pushing the buttons and flicking the audio/video switch up and down without seeing a difference, she put it back in her ear. Maybe not the smartest, but she didn't want to lose it. And she didn't want to carry it. She didn't realize she'd accidentally clicked it to broadcast video.


[The video shows a young woman. Teenager really. She's only 15. The girl looks lost and confused. She's mumbling to herself.]

This doesn't look anything like the labyrinth. And the orange. I wasn't wearing this before.

[She's clearly talking aloud to figure out what just happened.]

Insubordination and breach of contract? But... I've never signed a contract before... too young.

What was I doing before this?... There was someone I had to find. It was important.

She looks around her as though searching for someone and she calls out.]

Hoggle? Anyone? We're supposed to be looking for something. Someone. I think.

((OOC: I know, accidental video is silly and to be avoided, but Sarah really wouldn't know how to use this technology, and her critical thinking skills are a little underdeveloped...))